Zebeth Highlights

Top comics and picks

Planet Zebeth

Kraid names his bricks
Kraid names his pogs
The first appearance of the pogs
Kraid gives his pogs life goals
Kraid names the colours on the poster

Kraid's first digging
Samus gets -3 missiles
Kraid's origin
Kraid's TRUE origin
Kraid steals the high jump
The appearance of Crocomire Hunter
The mind swap
First breaking of the glass
Second breaking of the glass
Third breaking of the glass
Fourth breaking of the glass

The catching of boxy
The release of Boxy
Samus gets the ice beam
The keg room
The original keg room

The bar is destroyed
The ZR388 bar is destroyed

Grunky molts!

Ridley's save point
Samus's save point

Robo-Samus and Toasterface

The death of Mother Brain
Mother Brain's respawn
The second death of Mother Brain
Mother Brain's second respawn

The death of Ridley
Ridley respawns

The Trabnagian tribe
Kraid becomes a Trabnagian
The Trabnagian feast
The last Trabnagian
Kraid and the Trabnagians
Croc becomes a Trabnagian
Geruta becomes a Trabnagian

Kraid's drinking prowess

The Zebethians appear

The freezing of the Metroids
The End


Attack 1 by Mother Brain
Attack 2

Subsector Hiroshi

Phil Phil

Geruta gets their bone arm Geruta gets their bone arm

Draconia Draconia

The invasion of Zebeth The invasion of Zebeth

The appearance of Hiroshi The appearance of Hiroshi

Ridley meets Raidley Ridley meets Raidley

Another skywalker Another skywalker

Subsector Icy

Mother Brain is alive! Mother Brain is alive!

The appearance of Rezuni The appearance of Rezuni
The minions The minions


Metroid Prime Metroid Prime
Dark Samus Dark Samus

Kabutroid's all time faves:
Best room in the game
The Trabnagian feast
Crumbly and uneven
Funniest squee in the comic
The invasion of Zebeth The invasion of Zebeth
Icy and the bar crowd Icy and the bar crowd
Metroid Prime Metroid Prime

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