There we go

"Oohhh, it's almost SOFT the way it smashes under my jar!"

Yah, Kabutroid didn't bother locking the code of the play planet, because then she'd have to type it in every time she did something in there, and that's effort, this is the sandbox planet. Also, she never really expected anyone to learn how to modify the code, heck Samus can barely figure out six buttons. But... big brain MB yo! Though, maybe after all this mess.


WOOH! We have finished not one, but two projects completely this weekend!

We have The Teeth of Dahlver-Nar, now 100% completed, teeth painted, pouch stitched, and photos taken for the random pull generator! Go on and pull a tooth lol :D

Also this weekend, we have finished the Kabutroid figurine, oh my goodness this was a long-waiting project, started way back in 2022, and finally, FINALLY completed! The paints having arrived, we were finally able to put on all of the tattoos, we enamel spray-coated it, we added the earrings, it is done, and I can finally work on the next projects now that these long-running projects are off of the table, WOOOOH!

Next up in the plans are painting on the dice tower, finishing up the box of many things, working on dragons somewhere other than just on the train, the merchant bag, the Kabuto staff, and that might more or less sew up all of the projects that have been pending since Canada! I did just barely start on the staff called Bruce back in Canada, though I don't know if that'll be next next, but it's on the mind. Alright, let's keep cranking out these last few long-running art projects, and then we can work on something new :D :D :D


An... inordinate amount of time later
*click* Ok... finally done! Are we done? Please say we're done.
That should do it, we'll be able to move forwards now.
Excellent, come my minions, power awaits us.
*smash* *smash* *smash*
Theeeere we go.
Why don't we just do that on Zebeth?
Because Kabutroid password protected that one. *grumble*

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's always ever been free.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.