The words of Kabutroid

March 16, 2025, 23 yeaaaaaaaaaaars, WOOH!
Oh wow, this site has been going a WHILE now! Back from its humble beginnings on the old ProjectJen message board, to its own website, to having the bonus and stuff sections, subsectors, the AD&D page, beholders, flumphs, the random quote generator, the random image generator, all of my art (for all intents and purposes), geocaching, several html-coded video games! This site has grown and grown, and kept on going, and here we are, 23 years young, and still chugging along! The main storyline is finished, but we've entered the endless epilogue, where stuff happens, I come up with where their farm goes and the currently running shenanigans of Mother Brain and the Dungeons and Dragons group. And Zebeth... continues!
This page has grown to far more than just the comic, it's the place where I keep all of my art, the build photos, just random... randomness, where I can store my creativity, posted to the various social medias, and all leading back to this now... ginormous site, now nearly 8 gigs in size, and nearly 90000 files (to be fair, the game The Windmill is around 75000 of those files, so let's say 15000 files), 8 gigs and 15000 files large, that is an insane number, how did I create 15000 files, html and images for the extreme vast majority. 23 years my friends, that's how.
WOOOH, and it shall continue! Onwards to 45 years and beyond!
Kabutroid, Abby, and all of my fans and supporters ❤️