The one with hourglasses for eyes. The witchy one. The screaming soul. The three sisters, twisted and... well, twisted. And really only in the physical sense, in that they're more or less twisted around eachother in a- y'know, you have no idea, it was actually kinda fun to hollow out the inside like that. Kinda tricky, but I liked it :D
So yah, another staff that looks dark and scary, but is actually filled with love and harmony and joy and peace and happiness.
Oh, and this one comes with an anti-harm spell. Like... if it's near something about to cause harm, it'll do what it can to divert the moment and save the day. Also it has three souls in it. Yah all mine, it's cool. They do not as of present have names, but having typed this it prompted them to go off murmering about it.
I have... and I can say this with honesty here... absolutely no worries about this. I am the kindest, most good-hearted person you can think of, so they will be singing in harmony or such in there, waiting for a new owner.
Yah, anti-harm staff, contains three souls. I hope that it brings safety into someones life <3
August 2020

