Mom and Dad, always watching over me ♡
Kabucam Archives - 2025 |
An ancient glass container turned sugar jar (story)
The greatest article of clothing ever (story)
The D&D Monster Manual, the final core rulebook!
My first England witches event!
Farthings, Shillings, Pence, Pounds, and Dollars
Eh, the whole set too just because (video)
Sure, let's show my marble-type collection too!
Kabucam Archives - 2023 - 2024 |
All kinds of dice
Travelling north for one last Sweat Lodge!
Finally with my Abby in England!!!! ❤️❤️
Feeding the pigeons
Our first three-headed dragon
We are wed ❤️❤️
Our wedding rings ❤️❤️
An incredible double rainbow
The Crucible Theatre
Metal sculptures in the museum
A sonnet for Sheffield
Meadow grass, England's prairie dropseed!
The Barbie Movie
A beautiful nearby park in autumn
A cloud woman
Visiting James Smith & Sons again
The Regency Hotel (story)
Britney Spears' new book, release day
A green wall on the side of a store
Kabutroid got new helix piercing rings!
My dragon Alice riding a roomba
An insect hotel!
Trees beginning to bloom in February :O
Some new housemates
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!
Some incredible art from Opaskwayak Cree Nation
My bicycle Samantha rides again! (adjustments)
A book on penknives
Abby and Kabutroid dressed up in flags for Pride
The crowds at Pride London 2024
An incredible Pride display at Tottenham Court (mp4)
Cranium rats in disguise
Some perfectly normal adventurers
Di- no- saur!!!
Song-a-day keeping up!
Paris Hilton's new album!!!
Reading Pride Festival (story)
The making of original Dungeons and Dragons
New D&D Player's Handbook!!!
Pics from the past! (mouseover for stories)
A swampy pond in England
Tinkerbell Abby and Spike Monster Kabutroid
An awesome Metroid notepad to use with D&D!
A pic of my very first cat Sugar, and Scamper
Abby's birthday present, a second Rexy!!!
New D&D Dungeon Master's Guide!!!
From the past, the old wood pile! (story)
One more old photo, my Grandma Theresa ❤️
I pulled an Acererak!
Christmas tree 2024
Kabucam Archives - 2021 - 2022 |
It's Rexy from How Ridiculous! (YT)
Kabutroid's Sigil
Kabs' cute little farm on Clash of Clans
An Aztec death whistle (YT)
Kabs' bear gauntlets
The note I hid in my Landmark home (around 2010)
The autumn fields out in Landmark
Kabs' camp in MergeDragons!
A few swamp pics from early spring
Just frawgs
Twiggling my toes in the swamp
She cawght a frawg :D
An amazing photo of the Rough Horsetail
Lil fly friend!
Blaster Master, re-obtaining a book from my past!
My friend's front lawn
The Coolest Potato Ever
A plastic housefly toy, with admirer
A whole pile of BUTTONS :D
Kabs's very first DM dice set (blue ones)
The greatest hot sauce ever created (seriously!!!!)
Hot pot with the friends
Me with my friend's cat Princess
My friend's yard! (bees are friends)
Kabucam Archives - 2020 |
I spent the midnight of New Years 2020 in a forest
Snowshoeing and singing - Song-a-day 646.5 (YT)
A pair of coyote faces from Trappers' Festival!
A dense poplar forest
Relaxing in the forest
An emergency thing I keep in my bag
My Pathfinder character: Raven Facebiter
After a sweat lodge
My second England trip: Sheffield!!!
A weeping willow in early spring
An incredible sphere fountain
Winter Gardens, an indoor terrarium
The Crucible, a famous theatre
The downtown siren of Sheffield (mp4)(YT)
An incredible fountain display!
Seriously, this is incredible!!!
A horse named Princess
He rides in the dressage competition
AND he got two first place ribbons!
My friend gave me one of the ribbons ^_^
A waterfall outside of Manchester
Some beautiful scenery a friend took me to
The peak of Rivington Pike
Scenery from Rivington Pike
A stonework staircase
Fence eating tree
Some work from my Staff of Souls
Abby!!!! We're engaged ♡ ♡ ♡
She is a bus driver in London, England ♡
The swamps in summer
Ahhhhhh, ankle deep in mud. Barefoot!
It's a cute little froggy!
Prairie dropseed, my favourite grass ^_^
Emerging from the swamp
Annual feast for our loved ones that passed on, June 21
A cool shot in the grasses
A absolutely beautiful photo
Zoom in on this, little baby ferns!!!!
A sky eagle
The swamp fields
A beautiful photo
The line between nature and industry
A good old soggy swamp
I may have swum in the swamp :D
Rocks get dimples from being in a soggy swamp!
Jacob, a dragon who stayed in the forest
I made heart-shaped kopytka! ^_^
Our old house in Landmark as it is now
One of the potions I like making
The swamp in autumn
Classic swamp
I carved my fiancee and I's initials in here lol
Aw yeah, some nice thick swamp to trek
The other swamp in autumn
A gift from Wild Soul (story)
A keepsake from OCN/The Pas, a slice of railroad
Kabucam Archives - 2019 |
The award of Excellence
The class of 2019
Our class and instructors
Guess who was awarded student of the year ♡
I could have had it say Kitty! And this is Gladiola ^_^
My Dad's saw, my sister gave it to me as a present ♡
Airport on my way to London ***LONDON BLOCK***
The fields of England
Some of the architecture I passed
Rabindranath Tagore, the greatest name ever
The School of Art's theatre at the University of London
They won an award for this design, it was amazing!
The stairs up to my room in london
Buying my umbrella from James Smith & Sons
Oh my goodness, I love this colour
Ye olde red phone booths
The Tate Modern art museum. Phenomenal!!
I love the one about the backs of old radios
A yarn display. This caught my eye, it was wonderful
A wood display. Each one just slightly different
Hair. Made from massive steel cables
A room... full of venetian blinds. To build this! :D
There's... a lot going on in here. Zoom in
Hypergeometric and rough hewn earth crossover
Minimalism. I think I liked this the most, except for...
One film by Dóra Maurer that was incredible (YouTube)
The view from the top of the art museum
The obligatory red bus
Big Ben (under construction, but still cool to look at)
The London Eye
More of that wonderful architecture
The parliament buildings
The coins form a royal crest!!!
Monika, a cutie I met in London ^_^
Irregular Choice
Oh my goodness, they had shoes
And a unicorn. They had a blessed unicorn!!!
Cat heels. I wanted these so bad
Bright pink sequins
I had to get something, I got a pillow ♡
Of course I had to get a makover
The crowds of London. I loved it so much ♡
Bangers and mash, WOW do I love bangers and mash!
miu miu
Oh my god, they are pheh-nominal!
This purse, oh my god this purse!
We went into Jimmy Choo
Oh my God they let me try these on! They were 900 pounds
An exclusive shop carrying designer wear
These pink outfits are to die for
J.P. Guivier & Co.
Is that not just a classic looking sign?
On the Mahihkan
Ahhh, me bed, just as I remember you ^_^
A Christmas ornament that I got for my sister
A keychain for my bestie ***END LONDON BLOCK***
Awesome, I got the best CYOA book ever :D :D :D
My spirit journal, which is filling up rather quickly!
I just jumped in the river ^_^ (Oct, 14, 2019)
A poor sick cat Hudson, sleeping on me to get better ♡
My sister at a really young age
My spoon, Chinese that I made, named by Timothy
Kraid, just because
An abominable snowman pin ^_^
The Toews Family history
Our family is in here. That's uncle Frank in the corner
Mom and dad ^_^ ♡
My dad and uncle Len
A pair of kittens at a shelter, Peanutbutter and Honey
An amazing weapon I designed ! ! ! ! < NO FLAWS >
I've got a slice of a train rail!
Best idea ever, just... that one gulp of water you need
Sir Lancelot, my bestie's cat ^_^
My bestie again, Jo-Ann ^_^
Covered in kittens
A cute... kinda dark little display at my tattoo artist
My ranking certificate for having earned yellow belt
A whole pile-o logs I lugged outta the forest!
Cat in a hat!
Kittens in The Pas Cat Shelter
A kitten chasing my Rosary
Simon on a clock. He's the dragon of speed
Quilt rock
I painted 2 more, but those are surprises ^_^
A hair tie that reminds me of a resident from practicum.
Buster, one of the cats I lived with at my old place
Mittens (I lost the pic of Patches, whom I lived with)
Jasmine, the shyest of the three ♡
A slew of dragons
I was engaged to a wonderful woman for a short time
We aren't together, but we are still friends
The start of my piece for the chainmaille quilt project
On my way to town
They do have gorgeous trees out there
Just down the road a ways
Leaving my mark in the snow ^_^
Heather and I
My chainmaille rosary beads
The Queen Trapper tea boiling competition (mp4)(YT)
A slew of warm and tasty goodies ^_^
My new hat
It's pink!
My new mitts ^_^
Realizing how far this girl has come
Representation of the Spirit Wokky/Andy
A look at my past - Mom (Julia) and Auntie Shirley ♡
Kabs joins Karate
KatieLynne paints her home pink
The forests of the north ^_^
The many faces of Kabs
The 2019 Midwest Karate Tournament
Our head Sensei, Sensei Marr, a 7th degree black belt
A mug for volunteering (I couldn't compete yet)
Sam and Moose, two wonderful spirit bones I met
A karate stance
A cute little spider I named Henry that hatched ♡
Chewin' on a stick
Just a nice shot of me relaxed
A wonderful pair of earrings given to me by Elaine
How to make a set of Rosary Beads
The most wonderful purse in the world ♡
My current neckwear, a Rosary, Jack bag, and my rings
My bestie Angelfreak ♡
A reeeeeeeally young Angela and Linnea, my sisters ♡
A quick sketch of the bar
Kissing Bunny ♡ (man, I am floating the ♡s lately)
A barn that reminds me of my Grandma's
A gorgeous hand-stitched swan I found ♡
Charlemagne and Cleopatra!
Atop a mountain
Oatmeal with honey, butter, marmalade, or PB
Dragons curling up in bed with me
The nest watches me with delight ^_^
Some art in the Winnipeg Fine Arts library!
A random book from said library
Noir, a kitten at the cat shelter I helped name
Mama Jojo feeding her young ♡
A Sweat lodge
Another pic of Jo-Ann and I
C&C meeting Tamara again ♡
A long lost best friend, Mark Reimer, from elementary
Jack's resting place. A tree was growing beside him
Rexshu, my wonderful friend Danuta's puppy ^_^
The forest
The spiritual scars I received from Great Brother Bear
A beautiful grassy roadside
The Opaskwayak Cree Nation Powwow
Oh my goodness, I loved the dancing and regalia
Oh my God, the music. This is Red Tail ♡ (YT)
EEEEEEEE, I got a ribbon skirt made by Ashley!
Holding an adorable little kitten at the adoption shelter
I volunteer here! Here's a family feasting ^_^
A FARST girl! (that means forest in english ^_^)
Jan, a lovely lady that I know
Scrabble with Grannie ^_^
A seed pouch from Jan
Mourning my cat. I love you Jack ♡
A handful of wild blueberries
A door chime that I made
Howling at the full moon that occured on Friday the 13th
Absinthe with an extra liquorice drop inside ♡
The greatest cooking pot in the world
Kabucam Archives - 2017 - 2018 |
AGDQ 2017
TannisCee Bay (later KatieLynne Bay)
The dragonpack quickly grows
Pip and Chef, two of my friend's four cats
Butters, getting all up close and personal
A seven foot dragonchain
A handful of dragons
QuelynBlay enters the livestream
The nest of dragons begins to form
Another pre-tattoo meow pic just because
A new look for Kabs
Volunteering at a Jets game
A snow kabu
Part of the 'Like That' group
Out with Charlotte
A pink unicorn in the wild
Charlene and Mary Anne
A stone from my wonderful cat Captain Jack Daniels
A pair of crows
Squishy, a wonderful cat I lived with
Fry, Squishy's brother, munching on a mouse
My new quarters
Sitting on the edge of the river with my dragons
Me and a friend Flynne of mine
Ofelia, a wonderful, outrageous woman I know
Ofelia being awesome as ever
Bobbi, a wonderful drag queen and stage performer
Thing 2, one of the cats I lived with in Squash Palace
Luca and Mouse, one of my housemates' pets
Maximillion, a wonderful little biter ^_^
Bunny, a wonderful little fluffball ♡
Like That, a group that I hung out with in Winnipeg
More of Like That
A little more Like That
The Like That crew on stage
My Uncle Frank
Auntie Mona. I love you Auntie Mona ♡
An epic Ukrainian Easter Egg painting haul!
Tainted with Engineering blood
I had been
Getting ready for the ball
CycloFemme event!
Nadia with a desert waffle ^_^
Octavia and Charlotte
Kabs gets a triple-helix piercing
Smiling in the rain
My parents, Julia and Wilbert
An accidental pic that turned out amazing
Meow :3
The card that I chose at a meditation event
My Hanafuda deck
My Black Metal persona for this year - Hatred
An awesome pic of Samus from my friend Jack
Performing Abruptney Spears on stage
Sabrina and Octavia watching a dragon be born <3
My female symbol turned trans
Halloween 2018
A fairie door! I knocked, but they weren't home
Kitty in college ^_^
My study group
Sheryl, the greatest practicum instructor there is ♡
Graduating from college | My diploma | My grades
Kabucam Archives - 2013 - 2016 |
Meeting a fan of the comic, Jonathan
Captain Jack Daniels
Lookin' around the park
Ahh, laying under the picnic table
Oh hey, whatcha up to?
Mmmm, that there's some good grass
Ugh, it's *prickley* (not an outdoor cat)
Hey Jack, c'mon over here!
*sigh* I think this was his last trip to the park, too
I talk to him in Valhalla now
Jack and Nikita playing together
The last photo I have of Jack ♡
Cuddling with Nikita now *cry*
A wild sand-Metroid waits...
A chainmaille flask for my father in law
Let the adventure begin
A nice place to spend the evening
Not the best colour, but it's only one coat
My toenails I get to do a lot more with :)
Genderfluid selfie ;)
Another selfie, of my first time out alone
One step further, Kabs gets her ears pierced :D
Kabs attending a Pride parade
Just a selfie
Yet another selfie
A new years selfie
A new years tattoo
The third tattoo
Show your pride
Oct 21, 2016 - Hormone therapy begins
The tale of the beardless bearded lady
A Deadpool toy I got for attending the premiere ^_^
Visiting Chaz (my brother) ^_^
How I got my famous bedroll home from the post office
Kabutroid, at the ready
Tannis' kitchen set
Tannis's kitchen set (packed)
Plumber Kabs
Molten steel being poured at a steel foundry
Selena Gomez in concert
Lightshow at the Selena Gomez concert
A relaxed Kabs
The bearded lady before and after
A 360 degree view of my room
Drawing the bar
A sharpie tattoo to soon become reality
Purplee Paulina looking quite purple
Kabucam Archives - 2011 - 2012 |
Rubik's collection thus far
Only a Canadian...
Kabs got a brand new hat
Writing in the sand in Mexico
A followup to said writing
Tons of iguanas in Mexico too
Towel-animals on our bed
The scenery from our room
Gotta get the classic toy
Our last look at Mexico
Engraving a new pocket knife
A clay Metroid I made
I got to see Mayhem live!
The first Metroid Daemona drew
Awesome bag from Thinkgeek
Collapsable shotglass... oh yes
My 7 layer Matryoshka doll
Mahjong solitaire, for real!
An old typewriter I fixed up
A new headphone/mic
Lazy cat is lazy
My chainmailling kit
A tiny Kabuto toy (to eventually become a Dragon)
A fish-leather wallet. Awesome!
Us at a wedding reception
Gotta have variety in life
DVD collection, part 1
DVD collection, part 2
Some cool masks we have
Riley giving me puppy kisses ^_^
Lindsay and a friend
Laura and I in Toronto
Greg and I
Laura and some of her Toronto relatives
Some more of the relatives
Laura and her Grandma <3
Marking my fishing territory
Spotted a deer while snowshoeing
The eponymous Tangwich
Why drink out of a GLASS?
Coming soon, in 2013...
Kabs gets a Metroid tattoo
Kabucam Archives - 2009 - 2010 |
A strange, unusual woman
A strange, unusual energy drink
Guess where Kabs is going...
Pic from the concert
Kabs acting like... Kabs
A homemade chainmaille ring-tool
Dinosaur exhibit in town
Kabs has yet another hobby
Time well spent at work
Boredom vs. a flower petal
A Rubik's Cube belt buckle
Buckle, shirt, and matching cubes
An actual, true Terracotta Soldier
Daemona waiting for a train
Oh my god what a gorgeous lake <3
Greg and Lindsay
Riley, what a wonderful pup
Lindsay and Riley on a boat
A shrunken head. No, seriously.
Several snake statue
Relaxing near the river
The best burger I ever made
I was happy when I took this pic
A most unusual, yet quite tasty beer
My Rubik's collection as of Oct. 2010
Halloween 2010, close up
Halloween 2010, the whole thing
Kabucam Archives - 2008 |
The Wii's Mii channel does my bidding
Kabs in a tuxedo
Screwing around with Kolourpaint
My feelings about work... at work
It's bigger than my head!
Kabs just after leaving the dentist
I think I got a hole in my sock
Water-wheel doubles as a play-pen!
Kabs messing with people's perception
Kinosao lake
Daemona at the beach
Burn, BURN!
The vilest substance known
Nothing worse than a self-loathing cat
Someone's got a beer-belly... if he drank beer
Talk to the paw!
Kabs dressed as 'Dead' from the band Mayhem
Jack the orange cat. Get it? Get it?!?
Kabucam Archives - 2007 |
The longest stubble Kabs has ever had
Current temperature vs. true Manitoban
Rubber band ball... approx. 1.5" diam.
Nikita on a stereo
Jack sitting like... well... Jack
A slight photoshop of "Mondor rd."
L33ch in aikido suit
Crew-cutting to fix a bad haircut
Daemona looking sexy as ever
Occasionally worn to ward off carpal tunnel
Arguably the greatest mug in existance
Nick kicking back
The death-metal band "Perdition" I saw live
Arguably the greatest gloves in existance
A guy named Wil that I know
My brother in law Craig
A funky-looking puzzle piece
Kabs and Johnathan, a Zebeth fan :D
Close-up of Jack, without red-eye!
Hiding behind Jack and Nikita
Nikita standing at attention
Pennywort drink, looks like sewage but tastes like tea
A new pet followed me home from geocaching!
Jack hiding in the bed
Kabs at Lake Winnipeg
More relaxing at Lake Winnipeg
The trio of cats eating, Nikita, Jack, and Raistlin
Jack obtained Maru Mari
Kabs with a chainsaw
Closeup of Jack
Kabs and death-chips
When pets and owners start to look alike
Weird double-rainbow after a storm
Captain Jack Daniels at Bird's Hill Park
Nikita is unfamiliar with airsoft guns... for now
Fatcat says "I need a bigger bed"
A curled up cuddly little fuzzball
Gangsta-cat says "This is MY couch, yo"
Kabs is still on-call at work
The next discovery of "what to do with an airsoft gun"
I has a book
Kabucam Archives - 2006 |
Kabs and Dr. Pepper ALWAYS mix
Happy Kabs
Wearing the homemade chainmaille shirt and coif
My friend Chous
My new cat "Captain Jack Daniels" (don't ask)
All three of the cats here (only orange is mine)
Jack and Raistlin wrassling ^_^
Chainmaille coif worn backwards
Shotglass 'Snakes & Ladders'
Nasty Sputnik & I when he came to visit
Jack has seen "The Ring" too many times
My friend Miona chilling at the apartment
Black Rose
Another friend Exousia... in blurovision
Henna design that someone did on my arm
Jack in chainmaille... sorta
Catch of the day - the beach leech
Kabs' new playtoy
My, how Zebeth has grown
Hiroshi wearing Zebeth gear
Cute kitty cuddling
Awwww, Jack and Nikita love eachother <3
Playing with the cats on a cat tree
Laura and Kat
Kabs trying out longer hair
Cat in a bag
A good motto for me
Scythe now mounted on the wall
Daemona's engagement ring
Our wedding
Our wedding vows
An audio clip from during the wedding day
Handmade hiking stick for geocaching
A mutant yellow carrot, and two entwined
Nikita beside the Blair Witch
The miscellaneous pics 2004 - 2012? - A collection of pics taken from folders that were just named "Edmonton Trip" or "St. Malo Trip", with all the metadata missing. The mystery pics.
My room at some point
Rachel floating on the lake
Our gecko that Laura and I had, he was Mexican ^_^
I like cramming myself into small spaces ^_^
Laura in a den
Laura chilling on a picnic table
The view from afar
A photo of my oldest door curtain.
The family <3
Party at the in-laws
A rare photo of my father in law, Ron
Steve and Angie curled up
Angie and I
ARGH, prehistoric monster fight!!!
A red panda
Laura and I gearing up to go on the luge
Our certificates for having luged ^_^
The beautiful town of Kenora
WOOH, that water's COLD!
Oh my goodness, the cringe XD
Lol RIP Kabs
Laura sipping a martini
Heart mountain. Steve and I climbed a subpeak ^_^
Ang and Stevie ^_^
Oh hey, there's Kabs!
Laura in a tent
Kabucam Archives - 2005 and earlier
The first Kabucam pic ever - Kabs & his machetes
The second Kabucam pic - Night-Red & I
$4.50 worth of 7/11 candy
My obsession with the Crocodile Hunter continues
Bored as ever
New driver's license picture
The friend known as "Kenji"
As seen by the Terminator
My attempted impression of 'The Rock'
Yars' Revenge - a truly awesome game <*SECRET*>
Resting on the couch
The Metroid that Daemona facepainted onto me
Playing with the webcam and low lighting
Playing with low lighting #2
Playing with low lighting #3
A briefcase full of beads (see stuff section)
Me and Daemona (my girlfriend obviously)
Proof of the preceding
Further proof of the preceding
My friend Night-Red with Mr. Psycho (machete)
Making a weird face for no reason
Ahh, the wonders of the Slurpee
My friend KidRanchan (obviously not real name)
Playing with the lighting - bright this time
Playing with the light #2
The dartboard, which I'm not good at apparenly
The eyes... the EYES!
What can I say, I like low lighting
Playing with low lighting again
My brother
Me at the bar with a drink
Daemona and I at the bar... with me on a leash
A cool gyroscopic clock I got a while back
Me looking strangely maniacal
Holding my shaman-stick
You get closeups of the shaman-stick
Said shaman stick is named "Betty"
A skull-ring I occasionally wear
The light was screwing with the webcam
Custom 2, 3, 5, and 7 sided dice I created
Me having just woken up
Night-Red playing with electronics
My friend... let's call him "N" here
You can see inside my nose here
The Metroid-stands Microplay gave me :}
My homemade Metroid fridge magnet
Me making... another weird face
Whiskey on my shoulders... again
My cat 'Whiskey' on my shoulders
Our Christmas tree from... sometime
A closeup of my cat's face
A closeup of... my mouth
Pocari Sweat... a truly awesome drink
My cat... lying like a lump
My cat... lying like a lump... again
Me... and Daemona and my bro in the background
One of my many hobbies - string figures!
Playing with light - Alfred Hitchcock style
Our alcohol collection at the time
My work swipe card... sorta
The wonders of coffee
I'm told I apparently look like Tom Green
Me with my sais
Bored as usual
Playing with the kitchen lights
Smiling like an idiot for the hell of it
Kabs and the naginata
The plush alien queen attacks