Timothy & China

The wonderful whittled wooden spoons

A wooden spoon with carving throughout it, and a Metroid on the back.
Timothy is great. One of the integral parts of my kitchen set, I feel that it deserves a little bit of attention. Of all of the parts, it's one of the two pieces that survives what my hands cannot... touching the boiling water. Greybeard the Unadorned is the other half of that equation. So... I set out to make a custom wooden spoon befitting a piece so invaluable. After hunting around through several stores, I finally stumbled across a suitable wooden spoon. The back of the spoon, carved with wavey linework on the handle, coming to a swirl at the spoon, and a Metroid on the back of the spoon head. It's still quite easy to clean.
The inside of the spoon I left alone, but added a Metroid to the underside, a heart on the front, and swirly lines over the rest. I like to add a heart to most of my pieces if I have a chance. The grooves ended up being carved fairly deep, but I haven't seen any problems of wood fibers pulling up or slivers coming off. I certainly didn't want to cover it in varnish or anything, being in more or less daily contact with my food, but he's holding up wonderfully. He's also smooth and well-weighted, so that I can spin him around in my hand while waiting for the water to boil :)

December 2016
The front of the spoon, nothing inside of the spoon cup, but a heart right at the base, and the linework going up the handle, as well as Kabutroid's signature.
A sequel to the spoon came, in October 2019. I had just received some new carving tools, and ooooohhhhh, like butter! They carve like butter! So I had this little bamboo spoon, and had to give it some decorations. This spoon was also given a soul like Timothy, and was given the name China ^_^

October 2019
A smaller spoon, carved with delicate thin linework, with lots of little parallel lines.

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