Planet Zebeth
A cute Metroid
Planet Zebeth in purple neon capital letters, with characters from the comic set behind them. Curious...

October 18, 2024
Find that gold!

Singing and chatter!
Your daily dose of Kabutroid

Saved the villager
And went up a level too!
Now to find that gold
Comic strip, full text is on comic's page

Kraid saying Zebeth, where I'm all awesome and stuff, and a first and home button. A yellow double arrow left button with a green border. A yellow house button with a green border. Samus jumping left Samus running left Samus crouching Samus upside down Kabutroid saying The story of my life, with a first and home button. A green double arrow left button with a chartreuse border. A green house button with a chartreuse border. Current Real Zebeth comic, click for direct page with text. A large blue bird with red frills.A large white dragon.

Blue tile border
Top of a Zeebetite
Metroid Generator

Large rocky ceiling creature with the letter B

Chozo item A Chozo item C

Chozo item D Chozo item F

Chozo item HChozo item I Chozo item L

Chozo item P Chozo item S

A floor creature mirrored to the ceiling with the letters P R J M

A rocky clump of three links. Bluish clump with AD and DReddish clump with an R for random Yellowish clump with a store shape on it

A blue rocky structure that looks like an eye

Ways to help

Bitcoin wallet QR code

Rocky formation that says Paypal

Search Zebeth

The words of Kabutroid

Click for comic page Oh wow, the very first time we see Ridley's back! Also, we get a good view of the majority of the crew's fronts and backs, pretty cool!

Now let's go find that gold!


YUS YUS YUS, and we have finished the miniature dice tower!!!! All of the painting is done, all of the touchups are done, it's been coated with enamel (at least two coats so far), WOOOOOOOH! This has been a project in the making, the interior initially finished in 2022, the painting finished in 2024, one of the long waiting projects complete!!!

Or at least one step away from finished, once this first enamelling is will and fully dry, I'll be giving the entire outside another 3 coats of enamel to make it concrete hard so that it can survive dice bags, card bags, and lumped in with the d&d stuff! Finally, this project that has been laying around unfinished, and for the past month with the interior disassembled and waiting for the painting to be finished... just a little bit more enamel and it can be reassembled and completed (and thus the final picture for the dice tower page to be taken).

Next up, we tackle that box of many things, which I have been somewhat dreading because the wood veneer has been difficult but we will get through it, and then, I'm fairly certain that all of the older, pending projects will be caught up to! It's been a bit of a slog, but we're getting through it!

And in the comic, the crew levels up (so you can see what classes they're playing), and Mother Brain delves deeper.



Bottom of the Zeebetite border
Blue floor

Sprites from Metroid created by Nintendo, and sprites from other games created by their respective companies. Comic ideas and some sprites created by me, KatieLynne Jackson (also known as Kabutroid). Bonus thanks to Niklas Janssen for the coding of the roaming Metroids, which I've modified to fit Planet Zebeth.