So, over the course of time, and many a trek through a forest, my old backpack (seen in the first umbrella holder images) started to fail on me. First, the inner lining was... basically gone, but that was fine, I liked that bag. Next, the main zipper started to go... and that... that was a little bit more troubling. And then I moved to England, and attached the aformentioned umbrella holder, and kept using it anyway! And the zipper started to get worse... and that... that was even more worrisome, in a busy city. And so, as much as I loved the sun-bleached look of my beloved old bag... she had to be replaced. I sought a canvas backpack. Pink again, and we hunted online, and we found something with side pockets and stuff... and it was good. And then... the patches... continued, I guess. I had attached the Union Jack flag and the Canada flag to the old backpack, but already at that point the zipper was starting to go, so we didn't want to attach more at the time. But, we have a new backpack now! But the old backpack... she lives on, in this one. As you can see on the photos to the right (see images 5 and 6, I would have put those first, but we needed a few pics of the patches right at the top to kinda "start" the patches page), the front clasp was taken from the old backpack, carried with me in the new. Y'see, as awesome as this backpack pocket design was, it didn't have the chest strap that I really like that's available in most camping day packs. Virtually none did in fact, so we went with this with the plan of adding them. And thankfully, the shoulder straps were *ludicrously* way too long, as usual, so on this pack I was able to trim off as much of those brown straps as I could, re-sew their folded ends, and use the cut-off parts to create the chest strap (sewn on with 12 pound spider wire fishing line no less)! And with that, a clasp from the old backpack made it onto the new ❤️ And with that, patches, patches, patches! We re-installed the Union Jack and Canada flags, followed quickly by the artist patch which was bought with a handful of them in April (also the bear bell, who's velcro is basically gone so I need to sew it closed around the strap). After that came Yorkshire, where we plan to move (Sheffield specifically), followed by the bee wild, bee kind, bee free patch, which I actually bought in Sheffield at a random bouldering/rock climbing festival thing (where I also got this awesome Gekco shirt)! After that came a looooong waiting Kabuto patch, which I bought in *checks Etsy* November 2021! It was so cute that I had to, and it even came with a free sticker (more stickers to be added to those pages, they're just kinda sparse at the moment)! And so, this patch was *finally* added to something, having sat inside my documents folder for years, and can now be patched forth. Speaking of older patches, let's throw in pics of my Bag of Holding bookbag (from ThinkGeek) which was my first patchsewing endeavour. The unicorn on the back I've had for years and years and years from a Reddit gift trade thing, and the rest were generally done a few years ago. Also the bag I take my D&D stuff in to go to campaign. |
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That aside, we also have Andy Warhol, a witch's hat, my fly Familiar, and the queer patch that I picked up in Sheffield as well. And, as I wanted something to showcase my indigenous side, I got a small dreamcatcher to hang from the back of the bag, slightly obscuring the witch hat and Familiar, which I kinda planned because I want that to be shown, but not showcased, if y'know what I mean, and that looks incredible hanging from the back of the bag. And then the Samus logo came soon after. There doesn't seem to be smaller patches of a Metroid itself available online, just a 3 inch version which would just be too large for this, so we will continue looking for that over time, and put that in beside the Samus logo when we find one, but this will do as a Metroid reference until such time ^_^ . Quite difficult stitching that over the bend of the pocket flap, but it looks really good on a curved surface, kinda natural fabric feeling there. And then several more showed up in the mail! We have a feral patch, which the fact that I even found a patch that says feral on it is incredible, and goes back to my having grown up way out in a field, and a small patch of forest (lol), which I actually got a larger patch, after much hunting around online. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a patch of just a wild forest, and this one turned out incredible! Though to be fair to the patch creator, the originating patch looked pretty amazing as well. But yah, I didn't want the camping part to go with it, just a nice wild patch of forest ^_^ |
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And then the D20 patch finally arrived (which also glows in the dark!), after which we were finally able to attach all of the Critical Role patches! And I've gotta say, it took a fair amount of effort to get everything lined up on there. The Mighty Nein sword is lined up with the top and bottom corners of the D20, the sword and center points of Vox Machina, and the H of Bell's Hells are all lined up parallel to the sword, and everything is aligned as perfectly as I can make it. Which involved removing and re-attaching the Critical Role sword, because it angled at like 2 degrees, so we needed to fix that lol. And I am aware that the patches will be obscured when the bag is closed, but that's actually by design (or placement decision I guess), because I wanted all of the patches 'on' there, but I didn't want it to be like... a main focal point of the bag (like the witch's hat). And Vox Machina has been my favourite so far, so I'm happy that that one's so visible. Also, for future campaigns, we can expand into the top right of the block, followed by to the left and right of the logos, which works out pretty good.
The Britney Spears patch arrived, which looks awesome and was added near Andy Warhol. And then we got an Eagle to go with my Spirit Name, The Eagle who Flies through the Heaven, and floating nearby, a turtle pendant to represent my Spirit Guide Upulnesayay. And to finish off the pre-selected patches on the bag, a vegan patch (as I've gone that route in the past year), which I'd debated where to place. It would have looked fitting on the front pocket beneath queer and beside the bee patch, but that was a little bit too... in your face or something, like I was shoving it down your throat. Save the bees! Be queer! Be vegan! Which yes, but I don't want to be like screaming that at you. So it felt good to kinda have the vegan patch off to the side close to the Union Jack flag, still somewhat on the front, but also opening the door to showing that patches travelling over a seam are an option, which I'm glad to have started as well. And at this point, anything to be added will be those found in the wild :D |
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So let's post a few pics of the currently finished article, in the sunlight so we can see all the colours and everything nice and clearly. It looks incredible, I'm very happy with it, and it's only going to get more colourful and creative as time goes on! |
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And then, another patch was obtained! June 29, 2024, the day of Pride London, I'm guessing you can see where this is going. Technically before that I stumbled across a button pin during one of my bike rides, but that wasn't worth updating the page for, until such time another patch was found! And indeed, it was found in the wild, as predicted. During London Pride, one of the booths actually had cloth patches, so of COURSE I had to get one! We were priding it up, I have a backpack that I'm looking for patches for... that patch was being bought lol. Finding a patch was actually one of my main goals in our travels that day, and so I popped that puppy onto the pack right after we got home from the festivities. Awesome :D Now, what will be next? I figure I'll update this page between patches, and show any keychains or pins that gather onto it with each patch update. |
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And as primised, we have several additional buttons to go with several additional patches! The 'we are the city' cat button I found on the ground, the Pride button at the Reading Pride Festival, and the Northern Manitoba Trappers' Festival pin in my luggage, finally unpacked from, you guessed it, the Trappers' Festival in The Pas, Manitoba. So naturally we had to add that on. Both of the patches were actually ALSO found at that Reading Pride Festival, rather randomly in a bin of just... miscellaneous patches. A feather that felt like a colourful indigenous feather, and Pacman of all things!!! So I had to get those (I already had a Queer and Pride patch, so didn't want to 'flood' the bag with more of them just yet). It took a bit of pondering what to make the Pacman dots from, until a moment of brilliance realized that buttons would make the perfect dots! With a larger button in the corner for the power pellet :D So nice, nice, the bag continues to fill out! |
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Several more additions to the bag! I've been wanting for a while to find a Costa Coffee keychain, and then just this last Christmas (2024), Costa Coffee had available for a limited time Christmas-themed keychains and ornaments (I love their selection of vegan milk alternatives, oat milk is just 100% superior to cow in every way, and I've been collecting the milk-alternative cup stickers), and immediately grabbed up one of each. The keychain had a gingerbread man floating in the coffee, but to make it just coffee, I popped that off, drilled a hole clean through the cup for the security of 18-gauge stainless steel wire, painted the coffee a lighter brown to account for the creamer, then attached that to the bag. Awesome :D Secondly, I've also been hunting for a Paris Hilton patch to add next to Britney Spears (I have Paris's memoir as well, a signed copy from Waterstones!), but have been unable to find anything. And then, in late 2024, she announced a jewellery line released at Claire's, and I found a set of earrings with Paris in the center of the hoop, in her font (and with a butterfly as well to match with Britney!), so I bought a pair specifically to sew one onto the bag. Once I find a suitable patch, it will be sewn overtop of the clasp portion at the top of the hoop. I'm so happy that I finally found something Paris-related to add to the bag. Also to mention, I reinforced several of the pins, namely the Trappers' Festival and We are the city ones, with 12 pound Spider Wire fishing line to avoid them accidentally coming loose. Those ones are the most important to me so they get special treatment, and the others, well, if they slip off, those will become a gift for the next person that comes across them ^_^ |
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The Maneki-Neko! The merchant cat, I decided that I needed to get this to attach to the bag, to both indicate what the bell that I wear indicates, and to show that you have stumbled across a travelling merchant when seen from behind. With the completion of my merchant bag, it felt like a maneki-neko charm was needed on my backpack. So after some hunting around, we found something nice, relatively small, a keychain that sways about noticeably (just beside the word artist conveniently), and alerts the people behind me that they have come across a merchant selling their art, and to ask about my wares ^_^ |
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