Go to the coordinates listed to find the coordinates to the end cache. I recommend bringing a dog or some such decoy at the first part. You will be much less conspicuous that way. Please try to bring SMALL "dead" themed items to the final cache, to stay in keeping with the rest of the items. Things like tombstones, or skeletons, or ghosts, etc. (You'll see what I'm talking about.) *NOTE - now the cache container is much smaller than before - you can fit pins or coins (you know - the ones with DEAD people pictured on them!), but not much more will fit. FTF gets a certificate, some CT money, and a WHOOPEE CUSHION! Please note the wasp warning for those of you searching in the summertime (see my log below). |
3/21/2007 by Kabuthunk
Well, at the tail end of a sickly-feeling-Kabuthunk-going-caching day, I decided I'd tackle a multi that happened to be nigh-directly on the way to home. Well... at least stage 1 was, but my theory is that at the worst case scenario (well, aside from a DNF), I'd do any further parts on another day. Hence... off I went!
Was able to park quite close to the cache. For some reason, before getting there, I figured I'd have a good hundred or so meters to walk. Pfft... less than 50 it was . A quick stroll over, and I quickly zeroed in on where stage 1 should be. At which point... I don't know if it's because I wasn't feeling all that well, or it just completely escaped me... but I must have circled and walked along that structure at least 8 times before I saw stage 1.
Which by the way, is by far the best looking, best condition cache-stage that uses this technique. I took a few moments to admire it, followed by punching the coordinates to the final into the GPS. OFF I WENT! I set the GPS to just go off-road, because hey... how far away can it be?
Yeah... I quickly rectified that setting and got into my car . It was still close enough though that I figured I could tackle it before heading home for the day. And glad I did. Y'know... when I was doing other geocaches in the general vicinity of the final, I kinda thought to myself that the area would make a really good geocache spot. Looks like someone thought the same
Also by the way... REALLY nice cache-camoflage-container-holding-container, or whatever you want to call that which actually contains the cache container. However, one aspect kinda gives it away pretty well instantly. Mainly... the thing that totally doesn't fit in and doesn't look natural. Might I suggest modifying the "hiding container" to involve really strong magnets, hinges, or something else that's not visible? I dunno... just a thought. In either case... must have taken forever and a day to make. Nice job on the inside though . Thanks for the nice multi and a pleasant walk.
A little snowy though, but I managed not to get too much (more) snow into my shoes.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
Enter near the huge white power pole - best place to avoid the burrs.