A small pill bottle (we seniors have lots of these) containing a
log book, pencil and some pins. |
About 4 years ago, the 2nd PPCLI regiment left Winnipeg for Shilo
and Edmonton. We miss our good neighbours and hope for their safety
when they are deployed to active duty overseas. Unfortunately over
150 houses have been sitting empty since they left. This cache
commemorates those who lived in these houses.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
Current at 11/6/2011
7/31/2008 by Kabuthunk
Find number three of the day, and number 397 in total. Today I was on a quest... a quest to make an event tonight my 400th cache find. Ahh, us humans and our love of those arbitrary round numbers
But nonetheless, questing I was. At this point, I had approximately 42 minutes to find three caches, followed by returning all the way back to Stafford and Pembina. It wasn't looking all that good for me, given a DNF in the morning... but two surprisingly fast finds prior to this one had me going in high-gear.
I started out going directly towards Assinaboine Park, but made a detour before this cache that turned out to be a good idea, so I figured "Eh, let's give it another whirl". Swinging into the turn-lane, I pulled onto the road this cache seemed to be on, or very close to. Driving down it, I was a bit perplexed as to how a cache even COULD hide near here. There didn't appear to be public parks, and everything else looked like private property.
Pondering my perplexment, I parked my p... uhh... car, and headed to the coordinates. To park, as it always seems to be... the parking on the road is ALWAYS in the opposite direction to what I'm travelling. I had to go a bit further to find a place to turn around, and parked behind a big R.V. Luckly, only one family was outside, around the bend. I'm guessing they were probably the R.V. owners preparing for camping, since it was right across from them. As they weren't paying attention to me, I wandered towards the coordinates.
A fairly quick wander, mind you... I WAS on a timeline here
I ended up passing the coordinates a bit, since I thought the cache would be in one place. Strange how when the numbers are going UP in the 'distance to cache', you abandon those potential spots
Turning around, it took me no more than a few seconds to locate the cache container. Very clever! I'm a bit surprised it hasn't been spotted by non-cachers though (unless they HAVE spotted it, but ended up returning it and actually being nice for once). Snagging it, I walked down the sidewalk while opening it to avoid drawing attention to myself standing in one place too long. Once I had the logbook in hand, I crouched down and signed it up. A quick poking around inside the cache container, but I wasn't able to find anything I wanted to trade for offhand.
But hey, I'm at least 800 times more in it for the hunt and the adventure than the swag
. Closing up the container, I headed back from whence I came and replaced the cache container, barely slowing down my walk. Hopefully noone noticed me, but I didn't see anyone specifically looking in my direction at any time.
I still have to admit though... for being a very simple camouflage, it's certainly doing a very good job! It blends right into it's surroundings! I never really realized that the camouflage that you have was so close a match for where it's hidden. I may have to borrow that technique sometime in the future... or at the bare minimum keep a mental note of it in case others are hidden in a similiar fashion later on. So unless you know what you're looking for, I can see random bystanders passing it by quite easily!
Which of course is always a good thing
Thanks again for the cache! Number 397 and counting... only two more to go and 38 or so minutes to do it in!
Took: Nothing
Left: Relatively quickly, but also a logbook entry and chainmail ball
Nearby Caches
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Zamboni's Bane (0.88 kms NE)
GCZE04 Remember #19 (1.15 kms E)
GCM3TN Dark Helmet's Playland (1.18 kms W)
GCXFBW Eric The Ent (1.23 kms NE)
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)