This cache is the sixth in a series of “Remember” caches, dedicated to a few of the thousands of Canadian Servicemen who have given their all to defend our way of life. Remember #65 is near a bike trail and camoed to its environment. Fly low boys! Time to get caching. Bring your own writing stick! Log Book is waterproof paper. A FTF certificate is there for the finding! Within the cache is information on one serviceman. You may want to record this information because the “Remember” series has one factor that ties them all together and it will help you find the last of the series which will be a puzzle cache. Information from each of the caches will be required to find this last one or, if you figure out the factor that ties them together, you will be able to “fast forward” to the last cache. |
4/24/2007 by Kabuthunk
Decided that since I was bike-caching the area, I'd swing up and snag this one on my tour. However, I gotta say... this cache put up a good bit of fight .
I pull up to the area, and try to get to ground zero. Unfortunately for myself... ground zero kept moving around. Stupid bridge, throwing off my accuracy. It kept jumping my position all over the place around there. After circling around a bit, I ended up walking down the cementy kinda rock siding right down to beside the river. Albeit there was some mildly interesting surging water there between the shore and the bridge pillar... there was no cache. Looking at the GPS again... I find myself about 25 meters away.
After again hauling yonder bike back up the slope, I circle around a bit more. BUT... this time, my eyes spot something that's not quite right. However... I am unable to confirm my suspicions for a good several minutes, as at that particular moment, dozens of cars and bicyclists decided to all go whizzing past. So I kicked back, relaxed, and drank some water while waiting for the coast to clear. When it did... a quick grab, and the cache was in hand! Quite the intriguing container .
And as Ztirnats said in his note... indeed someone listing themselves as 'Michelle' posted on the 22nd "What is this?" in the logbook. Ehehe... at least they didn't just take it or some such. Yeah... hopefully they'll check out the website. And so... another cache of the series has been completed (despite the fact that I found the finale, but all of these ones are just too damn cool to not go after ). Thanks for the excellent hide, during an excellent bike ride, on an excellent day for biking and caching
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
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By exercising caution, this pilot cheated death