The cache is not located at the posted coordinates. The posted coordinates direct you to the starting point. You will need to find a copper plate mounted to the starting point. The plate is approximately 1" x 3". The plate is engraved with the information required to find the subsequent waypoints. There is a total of three waypoints (including the start point) you need to find to reach the cache. The waypoints are labelled WP0 (starting coordinates, WP1 and WP2. Each plate contains three pieces of information: the waypoint id, the bearing to the next waypoint (True), and finally the distance measured in meters. Upon finding a waypoint plate you will need to project to the next waypoint using the information provided on the plate. An example of the plate markers is provided in the attached photo (***the information on the plate is not valid for this cache and is an example only***). The cache itself is a clear peanut butter jar with a blue screw on lid. The cache contents at placement include the following: - FTF certificate; - Log book and pencil; - 4 sew on patches; - 6 lapel pins; - Key chain; - Where's George dollar bill; Enjoy the hunt. Please pass on your comments regarding cache placement and condition. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
4/3/2007 by Kabuthunk
Y'know, it feels kinda cool to log a cache that hasn't been found, or even attempted, in months. The fact that it was winter MAY have had something to do with it, but it doesn't change the fact that this cache container hasn't moved an inch in the past several months .
In either case, decided to take on this geocache after leaving work on this cold, windy day. I had been hankering to topple this multi ever since finishing the "Really dead end cache" multi that was several blocks from this one (well, the first stage of it, anyway ).
Upon getting to the park, I read the cache description. Project waypoints? Whosa whicha wha? Unfortunately, I haven't tried to figure out how to make my GPS do this yet, however, what I CAN do is find a point, mark it as a waypoint, set my 'destination' to there, and walk at whatever bearing until I'm "X" distance away from said point. Hence... this would be my method. I had a feeling my good friends "Trial" and "Error" would be with me for this one.
However, on a whim, I decided to call my old bud "Blind Luck", and see what he had to say. Nice guy... if you get a chance, play some pool with him. He can be quite good . Anyway... ol' Blindy suggested that the park was pretty empty in the middle, and there would only be a limited number of places for the final to hide (since the description says all parts are in the park). So... I took ol' Blindy's suggestion and walked around the park, looking at everything that might contain a type of container listed in the description. Unfortunately for me, 10 minutes later I learned that Blind Luck was off his mark today. Ah well. He can be useful at times, but looks like this time was a pass. Looks like it's back to finding the cache with Trial and Error
Hence... off I went, braving the gusts of frigid air. In actuality though... it was that very same cold air that likely made me even ABLE to do the cache. Y'see... the park that this cache dwells on... umm... how shall we put it... is half-lake at the moment. Quite a large portion of the park appears to have water about 3 or 4 inches deep... and some spots looked deeper still. I say "appears", as I didn't actually have to check this. Thanks to the aformentioned cold air, the surface was a nice sheet of ice.
Walking on said ice was a touch precarious though. Every step, a spiderweb of cracks shot out from underneath me in all directions, bowing the ice downward slightly. But onwards we strode (Me, Trial, and Error), cracking our way from one waypoint to the next. The last brass plate (as mentioned in other logs) has a stab-wound, but can still be made out. There's not too many possibilities it could be, and I chose right the first time .
And lo, I got to the end. Although Blindy had let me down (I don't know how... I coulda sworn he led me around here), I was able to find the final cache successfully. HURRAH! First 2007 find of this fella! Thanks for the interesting, albeit windy, cold, and precariously-thin cache hunt .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)