Ammo can hidden in a small park. You may need to dig in the snow in
the winter months, but it should be quite obvious where to search.
I will have to check in the spring to see if this area gets
flooded. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
Current at 11/6/2011
4/11/2009 by Kabuthunk
Man, was it a beautiful day for caching. I spent much of the morning generally killing time, but eventually worked my way outdoors. I decided to take the car today, since there wasn't all that many unfound caches remotely near where I live any more, and it would probably be quite soggy with having to go through various puddles. In either case, heading out from home, I decided to focus my attention on what was currently the closest unfound cache to home... this one! Well, technically there appears to be one closer that was just freshly placed, but I was unaware of that at the time. Also, there was more caches in this general direction, so one way or another, I was tackling this cache today
So I point my GPS at the cache and tell it to get me there. God knows that without the GPS, I'd wind up in the middle of a residential maze, and be lucky if I found my way back home before summer was over
. Soon enough, I began to get near to the coordinates... at which point I came across the hardest part of this cache. Finding parking. I'm sure I could technically have parked on the side of the road without the 'no park' signs... but those roads seem RIDICULOUSLY thin to allow parking along one side of them. The ton of ice and snow along the edges of the road really don't help matters much, either. The fact that not a single car was parked on those roads either didn't fill me with confidence as well. And while I'm on the subject, what's with the one road that goes alongside the park being mud and gravel?!? Why in the world would they NOT pave that tiny stretch, when everything else in the near vicinity is paved? Bah... city-planners.
Anyway... not feeling 'right' with parking along these too-thin-to-park-in-my-opinion roads, I parked about a block away, behind someone else... thus at least assuring me that you can indeed park there. So after trudging down the road I had circled a number of times already, I quickly found my way into the park. I started off down a stretch of some kind of pseudo-road leading to the river. The river was almost hypnotic to watch right now... the water seemingly being at the same level as the road, and watching ice chunks float by. Quite relaxing, actually. However, I quickly realized that I needed to turn to the left into the trees. Avoiding all the burrs there (kinda surprised they even stayed standing over winter), I slowly worked my way towards the coordinates.
And thank god I decided to wear my boots instead of my shoes! It wasn't flooded by a long shot, but I could see my socks getting pretty wet if I was wearing nothing but shoes. But... thanks to said boots, which have about 3 inches of waterproofness (they're just winter boots, not rubber boots), I was able to just trudge through whatever was there and zig-zag my way between the trees and branches to get to the coordinates. Once I finally worked my way there (after getting mixed up and walking in the wrong direction several times), the cache itself was very easy to find. However, I'm a touch worried about the cache container itself over time. Approximately the bottom 1/3rd of the container was submerged in water. The contents were completely dry... but given the metallic nature of the container, I'm thinking that time will eventually take it's toll on the surface of it.
Anyway, I poked around the contents a bit, and contemplated trading for that wooden ball-bearing puzzle thing. However, those types of puzzles tend to annoy me after like... 2 minutes, so I figured I'd leave it for someone who likes them more
Either way, I tossed in a chainmail ball and signed the logbook. Thanks for the exceptionally large cache for being in the middle of the city
. Mental note for if I have a larger TB that needs to be dropped somewhere!
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)