Cache contains Tim Horton's gift certificates for FTF, deck of playing cards, SunSense bracelet, Wolf patch, Wolf Cub Promise coin, several lapel pins, and key fob. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/9/2007 by Kabuthunk
Decided to tackle several more caches today, after being pumped from caching the "Splashing through the Willows" cache somewhat north of here. Hence, on the way towards home, I went after this one. I had been eyeing it since it was put up, but never got the opportunity to go after it (despite it being the closest unfound cache to me at the moment. Well... not so much unfound any more ).
Accidentally ended up parking kinda far from the cache, where by coincidence, about another 6 or so cars were gathering for some... gathering of some sort. They looked at me kinda weirdly, since I happened to be arriving at the same time as several others of them. They had the look of "Huh... what's that guy doing here? Does anyone know him?" type of thing. I made a few hand-gestures to my fiancee in the car, to make it obvious to them that we were in apparently the wrong place, and quickly backed out and continued to closer parking. Closer than I expected, actually .
So... a quick walk from said closer-than-I-expected parking, and I was at the cache! Although I must say... there are a LOT more mosquitoes over here than there was at the boggy 'willows' cache I previously mentioned. I was just about being eaten alive! Didn't have much time to sign the logbook before I'd have begun to pass out from the lack of blood, so I clamped it shut and started to hightail it out of there.
And then I remembered that I forgot to put a chainmail ball in . Gave the mosquitoes one more round of attacks while I lobbed a chainmail ball in, and beat a hasty retreat again. Nice green location though. Was a touch worried that you'd have made me really fight to get the cache until I saw it though
. I at first thought it would have been a bit more... how shall we put it... vertically challanging, evil cache
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)