Small lock & lock container. Not winter friendly in the
traditional sense, but it should be obvious where to
search. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
Current at 11/6/2011
4/11/2009 by Kabuthunk
Second cache to tackle of the day. This cache was surprisingly close to the previous cache I had just found (Flying Fish), so it worked out nice. I remember getting the notification for this cache when it was first placed, but it's quite out-of-the-way for me during my daily travels to and from work, so it unfortunately sat unfound by myself until today. I was just praying that it wouldn't be underwater or frozen in a block of ice or anything. I wasn't checking cache descriptions or previous logs or anything for today's run... just kinda winging it. If things got confusing, I always have my Palm Pilot with me, with Cachemate.
But yeah... onwards to the Pulberry cache! Although the name is a bit confusing on this one, since it's not actually on Pulberry. At least not on the route that I took, anyway. I turned off of Pulberry and found my way onto at least 2 other streets before I found parking
. And speaking of which... that's one thing that always confuses me about parks like this. With many parks, they're COMPLETELY encircled behind houses, with only a thin path entering it from some arbitrary location. And if you're lucky, and exit somewhere else. So you have to circle around the block, hoping to spot the entrance, and not confuse it with a random driveway. I'm not sure if this park had one side entirely open to the street though, since there was one side of the park I didn't drive past, and it looked lik there was a fence there. Couldn't tell if there was a street on the other side of the fence, or just house yards.
That aside, I had parked on the street South of the park, and headed over. Definitely good that I had my winter boots on. They may not have been rubber boots, but they still have about 3 inches of waterproofness... which was just enough to let me just walk pretty much straight through the park, not caring much about the puddles everywhere. There were a few deeper puddles here and there, but they were easy enough to sidestep. However, once I got close to the coordinates, I discovered a veritable stream running just behind the line of trees and bushes. More than 3 inches deep, to boot (no pun intended). Trying my best to stand on one side of the 'stream', and lean over to poke around at the cache coordinates, I found that I could barely reach. And of course, the 'stream' side was the easiest side to access the hiding spot from
I'd like to point out that I'm very glad the park was dead-empty today. Otherwise, I would have probably felt quite conspicuous circling around this one area. Well... at least I chose not to wear my trenchcoat today. Despite the fact that it's my spring coat, stupid society nowadays associates trenchcoats either with crazed gunmen or perverts. Damn freaks, ruining a perfectly good coat style. Well, screw 'em... I'll still be wearing it most of the time!
Wow, I kinda went off on a rant there. Well, ignore that
. Anyway, noone around, could poke around at my own leisure. I soon enough found a side from which I could easily access the hiding spot, and a few seconds later had the cache in hand
. A quick poking around inside, and I signed the logbook. At long last, the 'pulberry' cache that has been sticking in my mind since getting the notification has been found! One chainmail ball later (which I almost forgot... again...), and the cache was back in place, hidden once again. Thanks for taking me out to the nice, quiet, albeit soggy park
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Nearby Caches
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GC1436R Crescent Drive Cache (0.62 kms W)
GC170B3 The Return of Glen Meadow (0.67 kms SE)
Flying Fish (0.69 kms N)
GC2H06X Harris Park cache (0.73 kms N)
Glen Meadow Multi BLITZ (0.74 kms SE)
Thanks, T! (0.74 kms N)
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)