Winter-friendly first stage and the second well it is LARGE and the co-ords are good and nearby so I'd go for it... |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
8/25/2007 by Kabuthunk
Happened to be biking home by way of what looks like will eventually become the "Bishop Grandin Greenway"... which I can only assume will be an asphalt path like the one on the opposite side of St. Mary's... and decided to pay the final to this multi a visit to see if everything is still good.
Took me a little bit of remembering where the final was, but after a bit of wandering around, I came upon the cache itself. Yay memory !
But yeah... everything's still bone-dry, and couldn't see any problems with anything whatsoever offhand. So... all is good and stuff .
11/18/2006 by Kabuthunk
Aaahhh... I've been wanting to tackle this multi for GOD knows how long now. Whenever I was close to St. Vital though, it ended up being a time when I didn't have much time to work with, or yeah... you get the idea.
But at long last... "that multi by St. Vital that I haven't done yet", as it came to be known (by me) has been... well... done... yet . And MAN, I've gotta say... that first stage was awesome. I started out in... let's just 'with better GPS reception', and ended up poking and prodding around any metal that a Nano could fit. That's a lot of places
. After about 5 minutes, I re-read the cache description, and realized my mistake by a few key words in it. After several minutes in the 'not quite so GPS-friendly' area, I came across the nano. Nice hiding spot, I've gotta say
. Not quite as difficult as anticipated, so I found it eventually. Absolutely no people around (other than people driving down the road, but no bikers or pedestrians) to interrupt me, so it was all good.
A quick walk later, and I got me the second cache. MAN that's a big one. Mental note for if I ever come across an uber-psycho large TB or something. Odds are it'll be able to fit in there . Yay for taking on another multi! I've been meaning to do more multis lately, so hopefully this'll kick it off
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)