This is a bison tube sized container camoed to its environment. It is along the Bishop Grandin Greenway Trail just a few feet off the trail. |
This is our first time hiding a cache. This cache is the work of our Jr. Cacher (8yrs old). He spent a lot of time looking for a suitable location, planning the type of cache, naming and preparing it for the hide. It is along a trail that we often bike on as a family. Cache contains log only – so bring your own writing stick.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
3/28/2010 by Kabuthunk
I've been eying this cache for quite some time now. Pretty much ever since it was placed, I've pondered going after it when my wife and I were going for a walk down the Greenway path. As it turns out, it was never warm enough, or we didn't have enough energy to get this far down the path from St. Anne's Rd.
Today however, was the first day of the year that I pulled out my bike. Oh, this cache was going DOWN! It being an unusually beautiful day for March (albeit the end of March), I had my mind set on going after a number of geocaches that had started to pile up vaguely close to me... basically the things between my place and work. Heading down the Greenway, after a minor detour to start a nearby puzzle cache, I quickly meandered over towards the coordinates for this one. At first I didn't even set my GPS to the cache until I thought I was somewhere vaguely close to the area. When I did stop to set the GPS, it turns out I was about 7 meters from it
. Relatively decent predicting skills today... let's see if said skill will carry through.
Propping my bike up against a nearby tree, I began the hunt. Thankfully, despite the fact that I passed by like... 8 people between St. Anne's and here, and when I actually arrived there was about 3 people immediately in the area, the place was suddenly vacant, allowing me ample time to hunt in peace. Not wanting to let this sudden good fortune go to waste, I instantly set about hunting for the cache. Given I hadn't pre-read any of the cache descriptions or previous logs or anything, I had no clue what I was looking for aside from 'Micro' sized. Poking my hands in and around various crevasses, I had a slowly unpleasant feeling that the cache could currently be trapped in ice! However, the several places that seemed ice-jammed were a bit too far from the coordinates for me to worry about it THAT much yet.
Several minutes later however, my eyes turned towards something which had caught my eye when I first arrived (but for some bizarre reason didn't investigate until now... I've gotta learn to start trusting these early instincts). A few seconds after walking towards it, and the cache was in hand
. Working my way back to my bike so that I would be able to vaguely crouch down without getting my knees wet, I opened up the cache and found... a blank logbook?!? That's rather... unexpected.
Ok, now my curiosity was piqued. WAS this even the same cache I had thought about getting for months, or was it a new one? Was the original so hard to find that it hadn't been found in months? Highly unlikely. Checking my palm pilot for the previous logs... yep, there it is... logbook replaced. That'll do it. Dang... so close to a FTF
That mystery solved, I dropped a nanomail ball into the cache and signed the nice, clean logbook. One down, multiple more to go today
Thanks for the cache. It's been plaguing my mind for quite some time now, so it's nice to finally have it under my belt
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and nanomail ball
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Hints (Back)
5 feet off the ground