![]() Our friend skaven has archived his Conquista Del Mundo series of caches and we will all miss them. Oh the places we have visited! Great Britain, China, Japan, Ukraine, Iceland. As time went on and as these caches battled the elements, many of them became homes to spiders and chew toys for other creatures. We have placed this cache in the area of the archived Conquista
Del Mundo – Middle East. This cache was close to our work and
we never did find it. At least not in one piece, anyway. We waited
with bated breath for its replacement, but that day never came.
This new cache salutes skaven and the Conquista Del Mundos. Cheers!
Gom bui! Kampai! Budmo! Skál! You are looking for a cammo'ed plastic jar. Be careful when
opening the cache. Items inside are not meant for trading, but to
enable people who have never found a Conquista Del Mundo cache to
experience what we did during our finds. After opening, please
follow the instructions on the lid and place the cache as you have
found it. *WARNING* Failure to follow the instructions will result
in the terrible Del Mundo curse befalling you and the rest of your
days will be riddled with them Muha ha ha ha ha!. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
4/18/2010 by Kabuthunk
I got a somewhat nice treat associated with this geocache. My wife and I had decided today to take a walk from our apartment (approximately at Fermor and St. Anne's) over to the Dairy Queen relatively close to this cache. It was an absolutely beautiful day, so it seemed like as good a time as any to take a nice walk. So off we went, over the curbs and through the streets to the ice-cream house we go! We kinda zig-zagged our way down the various streets until we hit St. Mary's. Given it was so nice out, and we had a good walk going, it didn't take much convincing to get my wife to detour over towards the cache. We figured the easiest way would be to go through... whatever park that is there. At least the GPS has it marked off in green, indicating a park of some sort. A little bit of walking later, and Laura decided to wait by the bleachers while I headed into the trees. She was already worried about woodticks being out at this time .
Thus, alone I traveled into the bushes in search of a geocache. Although I'll give my wife one thing... despite the fact that it's been so long and we had shown up here from a different direction, she recognized that we had already found a cache somewhere in this vicinity. Sure enough, after reading the cache description and checking my previous logs, I've definitely been here with her before back in 2007. I actually didn't recognize the area until I had actually left the bushes and came out right beside the road. Looking at it from the same side as I did back when we had found the Middle East cache is the only way I recognized this one. Nonetheless, since the coordinates combined with the density of the bushes had forced me out of the trees towards the road, I soon found my way to the 'usual' entrance to the cache. A scant few seconds later, and the cache was in hand . Gotta say... despite how seemingly open the area the cache is located at, and how close it is to the edge of the trees, it's actually pretty well camouflaged. My first skimming over the area from outside didn't spot anything... only when I went over everything a few times did I spot the cache.
Doing a quick look around to see if there was anyone nearby, I was pleased to see nobody. A quick step back into the trees (which I might add didn't seem to contain ANY woodticks... or at least none that latched onto me), and the cache was in hand. Since I had actually left the remainder of my geocaching bag at home today, I was quite glad that I happen to have a mini bison tube full of titanium micromail balls, for JUST such an occasion. Thus, the cache received both a logbook signing and a limited edition titanium micromail ball. Although tunneling through the spiders to get to the logbook underneath was a bit of an adventure. I ended up having to put most of the 'big' spiders on the ground in order to access the rest of the items inside . I saw the travelbug inside the cache, but unfortunately since I won't be traveling anywhere even remotely in that direction... heck, if anything I'll be going in the exact opposite direction later this year... I decided to leave it for someone who might actually be able to move it towards its goal.
So thanks for giving me a cache to wander over to while heading to DQ. It was a nice added treat to the frozen one that we had a few minutes after I had found the geocache. Sorta like icing on the cake or something. If your icing was made of spiders .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and titanium micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)