Geocache Mayor of Winnipeg 15 Wards to collect your votes from. All votes must be logged in by 11:59pm on October 25, 2006. The rules are simple, there is a 3” x 2” pill bottle hidden in each one of the 15 Wards, for a ward map, see Page 47 of the City of Winnipeg – White Pages. Each one has a log book and a list of 4 letter words, bring your own writing stick. Pick a word from the list and log it in the book and log your find on line with the word. Do Not Remove the Word List! Each letter in the word has a numeric value (example: bird = 5729 votes) and that will be the number of votes you received in that ward. Unfortunately, you will not know the numeric value till October 26, 2006. There is also First to Find Cert. in each with A Bonus Votes word which will have to be logged on line. Caches will remain after the election. The geocacher with the most votes Wins and will become Geocache Mayor of Winnipeg and receive a Key to our city. Good luck and Happy Geocaching. Geocacher Mayor of Winnipeg 2006 Results Thz 82515 Peter & Gloria 82125 Junglehair 73715 Dani-Carriere 69146 Ertyu 64278 TurdleEggs 64084 Skyhawks 63916 Sam&Lily 63890 Ztirants 62656 Foodninja 61346 JayPeg 60743 MLR 56717 Foxfiresyxx 54432 These 13 candidates campained in all 15 wards. Their was 47 candidates that participated in the election and a few that never logged their votes. The following #’s replaced the Letters: 0 = D, P / 1= E, K, M / 2= B, N, R / 3= G, W, Z / 4 = J, T, X / 5 = H, O, V / 6 = C, L, Q / 7 = I, U / 8 = F, Y / 9 = A, S |
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4/2/2007 by Kabuthunk
YES! YES, YES, YES! The deity of DNF resolution did not let me down this day. Having just had two successful Dinifras, I decided to attempt a third. By far what would be the most challenging Dinifra in the pack. Hasn't been found since last October... three DNF's following that, and not even an attempt at it since mid-November. Almost a full half-year from the most recent find later, in goes Kabuthunk for the second attempt.
I park my car once again where it had been the previous time and wander over. At which point... my heart kinda sinks a little. Sorta like my foot did about 4 seconds later. I have no clue how it's surviving, but there's still knee-deep snow right at the start of the clearing to the foresty-type area. There's a SORTA path that looks like it might hold weight... but it was iffy at best. I went through about 5 times. Strangely though, the snowpile was only at the entrance, and there was very little snow once you got past that. At which point... I started to hunt.
And hunt I did. For about 20 minutes, actually. This may have been partially caused by my GPS deciding that ground zero (Ertyu's coordinates for ground Zero, that is) was first in one place... then 15 feet away... then 10 feet away from that. However, on that third jump, it actually landed me about 3 feet from the cache! I happened to spot it while generally looking around, and boy was it a great sight to see. The deity of DNF resolution has decided not to let me down today. The logbook however was another thing altogether. It's kinda on the damp side, but still writable. Just a heads-up though.
However, I didn't want to push my luck, so I stuck 3 for 3 today .
And with the third Dinifra successful, I headed out. About halfway to the car however, I realized that I forgot to put a chainmail ball in. D'oh. With that, I headed back again (sinking through the snow another two times) and finally inserted the chainmail ball. On the way back to the car THIS time however, I managed to cross the snowy drift without sinking through once . And thus... I leave the cache triumphant
Took: The word "Xena" (I totally Xena'd that cache! ...Yeah, I got nothing ).
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
11/14/2006 by Kabuthunk
Man, I KNEW I should have gone with my gut instinct and went home before I attempted this one. But I figured "Well, the other 'Mayor of Winnipeg' series ones that I've found were pretty easy, so I'll give it a shot". Yeah, good job Kabuthunk .
The light was already draining from the sky, so shortly after getting there I had to pull out my flashlight. And MAN, this is why I tend to hate micros. Why god why are people forever drawn to hiding a micro in a forest? There's like... a trillion different places it could be for this one. Then again, Cachemate on my palm pilot said the coordinates were off, but it only saves the last 5 logs, so I didn't have the 'updated' coordinates to boot. Widened my search for a bit, then went home, cacheless. .
I'm sure it made sense completely wherever it's hidden... but when I got there, the first thing that came to mind was thinking your mindset must have been "Ok... I'm going to go to a forest, and find the BIGGEST pile of branchy debris I can find. Then, I'm going to hide in it the SMALLEST possible container. Aaaaaand, just to make things interesting... the coordinates will be inaccurate"
I'm sure it was absolutely nothing like that... but trying to search a massive, MASSIVE pile of branches in a forest for a micro container, when there's very little light... is very depressing and frustrating .
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