This is a new type of cache for me so I hope it will work out. Please let me know what you think. A coin was placed as well as a FTF certificate. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/14/2008 by Kabuthunk
AHA! I said I'd be back with sunlight, and by god I brought one of the sunniest days in the past few weeks! I've utterly destroyed your hiding spot with my sunlight-wielding... uhh... hammer. Of doom.
Whatever, don't look at me like that .
So yeah, after a bit of tooling around here and there today, I decided to give this cache it's first... and evidently only... dinifra. In the middle of the day, no less! Well... technically solar noon, when the sun is at it's highest, was at 1:24pm it was a little bit past the scientific middle of the day... but close enough!
I parked in exactly the same place as last time... that road right across from the park... and headed off. My wife was with me, but having just bought a new book, opted to stay in the car and read it. After crossing the road, I headed to a familiar location. I had kinda hoped that my GPS was just having an off-day last time, and I'd end up somewhere say... 10 meters away or something, but no such luck. It pointed me to the exact same spot as last time.
THIS time on the other hand, I spotted something that stood out to me. I think I was maybe standing at actual ground zero for all of maybe 4 seconds before spotting it. Perhaps the reason is that there have been a few other caches I've seen that used this hiding method, and it just kinda... stands out. Sorta like in an "uncanny valley" kinda way. Stooping down to check, I confirmed that I indeed had found the cache .
Although, I'd just like to say that in my defense, I honestly don't believe that the cache was physically here when I had looked for it before. Me and two others absolutely scoured the area the first time I was here, overturning just about everything under the sun (which was admittedly a lot lower last time). Last time I had actually specifically looked for exactly this type of hide, but didn't spot it. And I know that all three of us climbed immediately over the cache location at least a few times apiece (me at least four times), and yet we were unable to find it.
But that's both in the past, and besides the point. The cache is found, and I'm a happy Kabuthunk . I've always liked this type of cache container. There's always a lot more room inside than you'd expect. The fact that there are currently two ziplock bags makes it a bit crowded at the time. In actuality, I should have taken one of the trade items out of its own seperate bag and just put it in the cache, but I didn't think of it at the time. On the plus side the logbook seemed quite dry to me, so perhaps it dried out from when arrrg found it or something. Although, it seems like the container's lid doesn't stay secure all that well. In fact, it kinda fell off as I was picking up the cache container. If someone wants to bring some teflon-tape with them when they go after this cache, that may well take care of the problem, provided the teflon-tape itself stays on.
Seriously... that stuff is a miracle-worker. Never underestimate its uses!
Anyhoo... the cache still had plenty of room enough for a chainmail ball, so I dropped one in and closed it up. Placing it back from whence it came, I re-hid it as found and continued on my way.
On another note, it looks like goose-season has hit this artificial pond. There was a decent number of geese wandering around, and as I walked to or from the cache, they all made their way into the water to stay where I couldn't reach them. I took a pic of their escape .
Thanks for the interesting cache location. And I still stand by the thought that it was missing last time I was here, and I'm not just blind .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
8/31/2008 by Kabuthunk
Oh man... this was a painful cache to have to walk away from without locating. Actually, it was kinda painful to search for too... that tree's got a bit of a bite to it .
I was taking my nephew-in-laws (if that term exists) out for a few geocaches today. We had just prior to this located a different, also fairly new geocache, when after locating they were still up for finding another one. I had found and logged virtually all of the caches of this area long ago, and in fact offered to take them to several of the ones that I had found in the past. They would have none of this, and wanted to attempt one that I had never found before.
Ok, it's not going to take much twisting of my arm to get me to agree to this . I had grabbed the coordinates for this cache earlier today, since it was so new it didn't even make it onto my pocket query (generated Fridays). Unfortunately, this also meant that I had no cache description if needed, no hint if available, no prior logs... nothing. Just the coordinates, and the size it's rated.
We parked not too far away and quickly found our way to the coordinates. Quickly surmising where the cache would have to be (given the cache name), we began our hunt. Unfortunately, but this time of the evening it was currently around 8:30 or so pm. The sun was starting to drop out of the sky really quickly, so we began a frantic search. Three pairs of eyes and hands (well... two pairs for the last 2/3rds... the younger one seemed to be getting bored when we couldn't find it immediately) scoured the area in the fading light looking for a cache container. Alas, none could be found. While the younger one went off to play with his golf ball *shudder*, the older one and I continued searching.
Thankfully, since it was in the evening, there was very little pedestrian traffic going by. I think only one pair of teens wandered by, and seemed to outright be ignoring us. Hey, I'm fine with that . The search continued until the light was fading to the point of me having to primarily use my hands to feel around and see if it touched anything unnatural to the area. Such as... say... a cache container
. Unfortunately, no such container crossed my palms. Neither did it for the two nephew-in-laws. We must have covered a good 20 meter area in general, but in the fading light, it would be pretty easy for the cache container to slip past our sight.
Another time I shall have to come here. And the next time, I'll come a bit more fully prepared. Like say... looking during the daytime might be good for a start . I DID have a flashlight and head-lamp with me in my geocaching kit, but I avoided pulling it out to be as inconspicuous as possible. Had I been alone, I might have pulled it out and then told any questioning passers-by that I was looking for... I dunno... night-crawlers or something
. I'd come up with something. It's a bit harder to come up with an excuse when you've got several kids scouring an area with you
. That, and I'm pretty sure they had to be leaving pretty soon. Odds are I had them out later than I was supposed to anyway
But no, in the end the older one stopped the hunt a few minutes before I threw in the towel. This cache may have bested us this time.
But next time... I'm bringing sunlight!
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)