A 5 litre bucket with a red lid. Contents include a journal, description of area and 2 other caches along the Seine River. |
6/30/2007 by Kabuthunk
You heard what I said .
But yes... today, I went after Siphon cache. Coincidentally as well, due to an series of circumstances, I ended up visting all three sites again . The story behind this is that today, my fiancee was at the mall, planning to be there for several hours. Hence, since I recently noticed that Woody had been re-enabled and all sections re-checked, I decided to take this time to go tackle it.
However, just to make sure that the coords for the Siphon stage were the same and it hadn't been moved, I decided to visit one of the other sites to check the coordinate sheet (also to see if the coords for Siphon were corrected or not, if it was still the original coords). Hence... I quickly went to the Pancoe site. Purely off memory, mind you. Had to turn around a few times, but found my way there.
Unfortunately, it looks like Pancoe's ALREADY been vandalized. The cache is open, there's absolutely no contents inside of it whatsoever, and they even stole the cap so that I couldn't re-close it or put anything inside of it. So you may want to simply consider moving this stage somewhere else. Given it's not exactly camoflaged, I'm guessing that the neighbourhood thieves kids watch to see if anyone comes by there, and then ransacks it shortly afterwards.
Hence... after that disappointment, I decided to go back to the original... again, entirely from memory... and found it after a little bit of searching. It looks a lot different now than it did several months ago. A lot greener . By the way... excellent job on fixing up the carving
. So, I checked the coordinate paper in the cache, found that it was the exact same, and corrected the Siphon's coords (just with a pen, so I hope it stays) to the correct coords that either Ertyu or Grnbrg (can't remember which) gave me once. At which point, I set off to go get Siphon.
A quick drive later, and a Siphon I was at! I started out looking around places that would have made my fiancee scream "OH GOD, STOP THAT BEFORE YOU KILL YOURSELF" . Nothing really bad, but I decided to try to look under things that weren't the safest to look under
. Shortly after finding nothing there, I came across the cache. THE FINAL WOODY HAS BEEN RE-FOUND YET AGAIN!!!! So one logbook entry and chainmail ball later, and I left a happy Kabuthunk
But yeah... you may want to consider moving Pancoe somewhere else. I don't think it'll stay more than a few days un-thieved in it's current location .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry (in Woody and Siphon) and chainmail ball (in Siphon, of course)
5/3/2007 by Kabuthunk
Well, haven't gotten any notice of anyone checking Siphon, so I decided to go about it myself after tackling the (assumingly) nearby Lotto 6/49 cache.
And I've gotta say... either I both wrote the coordinates down wrong AND punched them into my GPS wrong (several minutes apart from eachother, both from the sheet inside Woody itself)... AND managed to get them both wrong in the exact same way... or whatever used to hold the cache is LONG since gone.
However... I'm STILL leaning towards me having something hideously wrong with the coordinates somehow. Not only did it lead me nowhere close to the Seine river (although my GPS indicated it was close to a stream... which I soon learned was actually an irrigation ditch for a field), and it landed me about 50 meters into a dead-empty field.
I tried searching the treeline along the road, thinking that either the coordinates were off, or if there WAS trees there before, and the farmer cleared them out... he may have dumped them amongst the treeline. No such luck.
So... at one point or another, I'll hit up Woody or Pancoe again and double-check the coords for Siphon on there again. If I had it right... methinks it's gotta be moved. If I was wrong... I'll swear loudly for a few minutes, and then go after it .
4/29/2007 by Kabuthunk
Hello Pancoe. Saw that this side had been checked, but all contents had been stripped. At least it was reported that the container was there still.
Skip forward to a few hours ago. By coincidence, I had received an email which gave me several reasons to head towards St. Vital. To both get exercise as well as save gas, I hopped on my bike and headed outwards. After having concluded my business in the area, I thought "Eh, why not go after Pancoe. I've got a mess of spare swag, and I can at least put SOMETHING inside of it for the next cacher"
So... off I went. Off being completely literal, as I was off-road for about 600 meters. About 400 of those had to be done walking the bike, and the rest was reeeeeeally rough biking. Although, on the way out I discovered an excruciatingly close-to-a-nearby-road path that would have saved me half an hour. Isn't that always the way it is .
BUT... with the cache. Found it easily enough... and stocked it up with what I had on hand to stock with. The cache now contains a log sheet (page from a notebook... someone may want to bring a spare notebook if they get a chance to get a whole logbook in there), four super bouncy balls, a whackload of National Geographic stickers of various animals, and predictably a chainmail ball .
So... it's not got something to sign, and some stuff to trade. Pancoe is back in business. I was contemplating tackling Siphon without knowing if it even existed still, but unfortunately I ran out of both time and energy. I WAS on a bike, after all. Well, hopefully MB-XCSkier can confirm Siphon when they get a chance, as all my energy has been long since depleted.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook sheet, logbook entry, four super bouncy balls, a mess of National Geographic stickers, and a chainmail ball
4/23/2007 by Kabuthunk
MB-XCSkier, if you want to keep an eye on it, could you possibly check the two 'attached' caches, of which the coordinates are inside of this one? Most recent reports indicate they're either missing or in really rough shape.
Although, I had emailed the cache owner Northernsoul after having found Woody. They replied back to me saying that were going to check on all of the caches associated with Woody and post something in here... but it appears they haven't gotten a chance to quite yet.
Hence... I suspect that Northernsoul will likely give us an update sometime long before the "due date" comes up regardless. I've basically been waiting for their report before I go after the secondary caches.
4/17/2007 by Kabuthunk
Hmm... looking at previous logs, it appears that most people are putting multiple finds for the different parts of 'Woody' that they find. Hence... I will do the same for now. If the owner wants me to change this to a 'note' until I find all three, lemme know.
Anyhoo... took me a surprisingly long time to find this cache! There is a very good reason for this. The oh-so-smart mapping system that my GPS has seems to have misplaced the river slightly, indicating that the cache was on the West side of the river. I can 100% confirm that this is incorrect, as there is absolutely ZERO way to get to that point, but on the West side of the river, without going through private property. Biked around for nearly an hour back and forth up St. Anne's road, looking for a path or something to get in there. Yeah, no such path exists .
At which point, I decided that the river mapping must be off, and wandered down to the other side of the river by way of John Bruce road. At which point... I found a trailhead, a trail (which was REALLY wet by the way... warning to others to expect to get muddy should they go after it before it dries up), and eventually Woody himself. I gotta say... that's a pretty cool carving. Looks like some punk kids have decided to vandalize it though. Looks like they took a hatchet or something similar to his moustache and nose. Just a few chips of wood missing from the nose, but a chunk of moustache is hacked off. Damn kids.
After that, I quickly found the cache... glad to see that it was indeed on the East side of the river. Big container too. Logbook was slightly damp though. No visible water in the cache, but the paper in the logbook would be really hard to write on with a pencil. Luckly, I had a pen. One chainmail ball later, I jotted down the coordinates to the other two caches of Woody.
Was tempted to go after the one slightly north of there, but I had already biked about 16kms that day on legs not used to exercise from winter. I decided to leave 'em for another day, and barely made it home anyway (29.6km's for today's total trip. Dang, I'm gonna be hurting tonight ).
Thanks for the nice foresty trip, and view of an awesome wooden carving (minus of course, the damn punk kids who decided to wreck his face). I shalt find the others soon though.
Although... ertyu mentioned on May 2/06 in the logs that the Siphon cache was missing. Has this ever been replaced, or can anyone say if all the parts are still there?
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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between river and sculpture