You'll need to be very stealthy to retrieve this one. Another hide for the Winter Blizzard contest. Original Contents include Writing stick, Log and an FTF certificate. Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders sometimes go through a great deal of planning to place their caches. As a result, they'd like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Single word, acronym, or emoticon logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell the hider or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
2/23/2008 by Kabuthunk
"Snowball's chance in... Mickey Dee's deep fryer"? I dunno... that's what I'm filling in the blank with today.
So maybe an hour or so after I had failed to find a different geocache (NB at the Forks), I had an overwhelming urge to at least snag ONE today. And this one's been bugging me ever since it was placed. It's riiiiight close to the road, really close to where I live, and has just been BEGGING to be removed from my Dani-Radius. However... on any given day, my travels will take me either South, West, or North... but it's rare that I need to head East from where I live. Today however... I (for the first time in what seems like forever) had some time to kill. That's right car... you're turning RIGHT onto Fermor THIS time! After squinting at my GPS enough to have gotten the pointer overtop of the cache, I was able to get it to direct me to the coordinates.
Yeah... by the way... even if you have really crappy scotch-tape that like... sticks to virtually nothing... you do NOT want it to come in contact with the clear plastic of Garmin's GPSMap 60-series GPS case. I swear, that plastic is like a magnet to tape residue. I was fixing the case a bit, decided to use said crap tape to hold things in place while glue dried, and quickly found that every hint of tape residue was pulled OFF the tape, and deposited squarely onto that plastic. Yeah... off to Walmart to get adhesive-remover after this cache, by the way .
But I digress. Squinting my way at the GPS to the coordinates, I was quick to notice that parking near the coordinates may not actually be the most difficult part of the cache for once . I think I could have parked myself, and 50 other people near the cache today
. In either case... after jamming the car into 'park', I hopped out and followed the GPS with great difficulty. Not that there were many places it could have led to, really. I had it narrowed down to three possible spots. To not give too much away here, I'm talking about one that was man-made, and two that were natural. Trying the first of the spots... the man-made one... it took me about three seconds to realize that it wasn't going to be located there. Ok, no problem... off to location #2... where the coordinates at first pointed me more directly towards. It was the 'natural' one further from McDicks. I actually pondered this spot for quite a while, as there could have been a great many spots a micro could have hidden in there. Staring at it from a great many angles, and examining it more closely in general convinced me that there wasn't going to be anything kicking around there. Thus, I turned my attention to the final possible location.
Stepping in and around, I looked high and low without seeing a thing. And then suddenly BAM... I was hit by a car. And by 'hit by' I mean 'saw', and by 'car' I mean 'cache' . REALLY good camouflage on this guy though. I must have been LITERALLY standing about two feet from it and completely missed seeing it the first time around. I actually only saw it a little bit later after having stepped away a few steps. Although I don't know what the previous finders were talking about with it either falling down, or being in danger thereof... the way it was positioned for me, that thing could have lived through damn near a tornado before it became dislodged. Perhaps someone adjusted it's location or something, making it more stable.
In either case... a fun cache to do. Thanks for the adventure, and the chance to remove yet another cache from the new post-moving Dani-Radius .
Oh, by the way... I accidentally put Feb. 22nd down on the logbook... my digital watch is busted in that I can't press the button that shows me the date any more, so I took a guess at it. Obviously a wrong one .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)