This cache is located in a large park that i spent alot of time in as a teen and even now.Other then myself, its used mostly for people walking their dogs, rare group of kids. |
This cache is now a nano after having problems with the bigger container. Hide is a little different but in the same place. Thanks to blaaarg for the cache containers for Christmas. You will be able to grab the cache in the winter, but there may not be a path all the way.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
9/28/2008 by Kabuthunk
And I can confirm that the coordinates are indeed accurate. At least for me they were
. I had grabbed the coordinates for this cache while it was still disabled actually. Seeing as it was found by others, I didn't think it would hurt to go after it. It looks like as of logging it online however, it's already been enabled... so it's all good
I came here with my wife this time! One of the few times she not only came with me on a geocaching run, but she was ALSO with me into the park to the cache itself! I know, I know... hell must have frozen over today
. And deny it as she may (and she tried), she was smiling while she was there, and even tried pointing out a few places to help.
But that said, we parked on a nearby street and started to head over. There wasn't much parking, since there seemed to be some event of some sort happening in the park today. Hoping it wouldn't hinder our cache-hunting, we continue onwards. There also appeared to be political door-to-door type people wandering around. Praying that we manage to avoid being "sold" which party to vote for, we got lucky. The crew was just getting back into their car, assumingly to head to the next section. *whew*
The majority of the happenings in the park were taking place in the center, and thankfully the coordinates were drawing us off to the side. There wasn't even anyone using the playground until after we had already found the cache, to boot. The first few places I looked were dead ends, as was the spot that my wife pointed out. However, once I locked onto a likely spot, it turned out to indeed be the cache
. Pretty nice little hiding spot, actually. The cache container was quite appropriate too, since it just nicely fit. Poking around at the contents, I eventually tossed in a chainmail ball and signed the logbook. Nothing caught my eye for swag today. Clamping it shut again, I fit it back into it's hiding spot, and re-camouflaged it to its surroundings. I was thinking about putting a TB into it, but it wouldn't have been able to close properly.
Thanks for introducing us to yet another park. I've never been to this one, but the play structures certainly brought back some memories. It's not often you see playground equipment made of *gasp* metal! Pretty old-school looking swings, slide, and everything else. Personally, I prefer this style to all the new-fangled, virtually-all-plastic playground equipment. It just seems so... artificial when you have multi-coloured, plastic, form-molded playground equipment. Nah... give me the good old metal structures any day. Although, I never got the privilage of having a slide that spirals around like that. All we got was a straight slide... that was about 12,000 degrees celcius after a day in the summer sun
. Sure, those were probably more dangerous for burn-related injuries, but I'd still go back to it any day! At the bare minimum, it teaches a kid that things left in the sun is a bad idea
And as much as I wanted to go play on the swing set... that just might draw more attention to myself than I'd prefer
So yeah... thanks for the cache in a new park to us
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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