Our dear friends George and Judy have gone on vacation again this summer, this time to China. They didn't have enough postage to mail all the postcards individually, so they left them all in one container for everyone to retrieve on their own. Don't forget your suitcase while you embark on the trip to this country! Each postcard has a random point value, just like the suitcases. The first to find may not get the most points. There is a twist with this Vacation though. One postcard has been randomly designated with 50 bonus points. We will not post which postcard has the bonus points until all the postcards have been taken. When you log this cache, please also log the postal code found on your postcard. That is how the postcards are being tracked. PLEASE USE EXTREME STEALTH WHEN RETRIEVING AND REPLACING THE CACHE!!! This cache must be put back in the exact same way in the exact same spot or it will fall prey to the little cache theifs out there! The cache area is a nice place to sit and relax, or meditate on the meaning of life. Just don't forget your chopsticks!! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
4/30/2007 by Kabuthunk
Ahh, Summer Vacation to China... at last you fall. Another successful dinifra. Then again, going after it in winter may not have been the wisest of ideas, after having discovered where it was THIS time around. Although, on the previous times, I must have had my hand literally scratching the top of it, but it was too frozen down for me to notice or something. I remember specifically digging at that spot in winter.
However... THIS time around also threw me off, since my GPS decided to show 17 meters from the cache when I was beside it . As well, I had my fiancee with me (yep... the slow process of getting her hooked on geocaching continues
) I basically instead went back to where the coords were pointing the last two times I was there and BINGO! Must be sunspots or something throwing off the accuracy today.
But yes... sunspots. Let's blame it on that. Whenever I'm having problems... it's sunspots .
Anyhoo... this cache definitely put up a fight even AFTER I found it. That lid... she be on pretty solid. Good thing I've got a decent grip. After a few seconds, the cache yielded it's insides... which contained a TB that wasn't listed as being in the cache. The TB is actually listed as being with "Dutch 53 & BB", with a most recent date of 10/29/2006 in South Dakota! Well, at least it seems I get to resurrect this fella then . Although, a log in the logbook indicates someone found it on the 29th too (which isn't shown on the geocaching webpage as of posting this... and I can't remember the name that was written in there either), so it may have been from them. In either case... thanks for the cache and finally successful dinifra
Took: "Number 4" TB
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
3/13/2007 by Kabuthunk
Having just triumphed over two other nearby geocaches, I spotted on my GPS that this familiar fellow was nearby.
"The snow is melting... it's still nice out (although the sun was starting to drop in the sky pretty quickly), and I've got about 20 minutes before I have to be at Red River College. THIS sounds like a semi-prime time to go after a cache that had eluded me before.
Heading over to the cache location, I only had 15 minutes to search. On the plus side, the GPS was giving me significantly better (I hope) coordinates as to where the cache could be. That, or it was off again, but in another way or something. In either case... it seemed to give me a more valid spot to hunt in.
I poked and proded what I could in the area, and looked as much as my line of sight would allow me at the various crevaces and spaces that could hide a cache. Unfortunately, it was not to be for me today either.
I noticed somewhere which seemed an ideal spot to place a cache, but reaching my hand down and around where something magnetic could stick left me empty-handed . I hope that the cache is still here. I really like this corner, since the structures and whatnot are really interesting. But hey, at least this gives me another reason to come back out to this corner
Perhaps another time. Maybe I'll wait for no snow this time, or at the bare minimum, a little more time to kill. Hopefully someone will find it before I go for my third attempt at it, at least to confirm it's still kicking around there.
Fear not... another cacher or no, I shall return when the opportunity allows .
2/5/2007 by Kabuthunk
Y'know, I should have known better than to attempt a cache that hasn't been found in over four months... in summer... while I'm looking for it in the dead of winter (most likely) under a foot of snow.
The shovelled-out path only took me so far, and I was unable to see anything that might possibly be a hiding place close to the coordinates.
Hence... trying from the 'street' side, I poked my arm over the wall and dug around as much as I could, as far as I could. My hand didn't appear to hit a thing. For being winter-accessible, I'd probably need to know a bit more about this particular cache's hiding style to be able to find it in winter.
However, given it's not even been attempted in four and a half months, I didn't have the absolute highest of hopes... but you never know. Ah well... I'll come back to this one once it's found by another (or I get an email from someone or all the snow melts... whichever of the three comes first) to confirm that it's indeed still there somewhere.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)