A small to regular sized lock'n'lock hidden in a parking lot. |
We were at the neighbouring church the other day for a concert by Downhere and Building429, and while we were waiting the kids burned some energy by racing around the empty parking lot. It seemed like a good time to place a new cache. It will start with a few TB's, a logbook and pencil, and of course an FTF certificate.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
6/26/2010 by Kabuthunk
I have to admit, I can safely say that I didn't expect to find a cache this large in the middle of downtown. Also just as surprising, the fact that I worked up enough nerve to go walking around downtown to go after it (I grew up in the country... anything North of like... Grant Ave. kinda freaks me out)! Having had other stuff to do in the area however necessitated my finding parking. Not knowing how long I'd be, I ended up throwing in for the full 2 hours that was allowed from the meter. Long story short, I ended up only being like... half an hour by the time I got back to the car. So I thought to myself... y'know what? I paid for this parking, I might as well get some use out of it.
I had my caching bag with me, since I was planning to go caching off to the West where my next obligation was for the day, so it worked out well. Turning on the GPS, I checked what caches were nearby. Apparently... not too ridiculously many, but this Calvary TB Hotel cache was about 300 meters away from my car. Given it was the middle of the day, with a fair number of people around, I figured I'd go after it. Although it was a LITTLE quieter than I would have liked out, but it wasn't exactly the most spectacular of days (kinda drizzly), and it was a Saturday so all the office workers were... y'know... not working
But... the geocache calls! Heading up... whatever street I was on... can't remember now... I hooked left, and in two blocks found myself within eyesight of ground zero. Thus, I set off towards it. However, just as I was about 5 meters away from the coordinates, a group of three rather... less than savoury individuals came out from between two buildings on the opposite end of the lot and hopped into the parking lot coming towards me.
I'm sure they were perfectly fine people, but remember... country-boy here, so my paranoia is through the roof right now.
In either case, I completely abandoned the cache for the moment, and deviated my walk to head towards the sidewalk heading back South again. After I had gotten a building-length away, I turned around to see that they had continued through the lot, and were now across the street going... wherever. Back I go again! With the parking lot once again empty, I quickly walked to ground zero, and within 10 seconds had the cache in hand
. Seeing as the area was now pretty much empty, aside from a few people on the sidewalks going about their business, completely ignoring me. Cracking open the cache a little bit to the side, I signed up the logbook. There didn't appear to be any TB's in the cache though... and this online page confirms it. Bah... and I was hoping to grab another TB to migrate. Oh well... another time. At the bare minimum, at least I know where a TB hotel is for me to be able to drop most normal-sized travelbugs into
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, chainmail ball, and quickly
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