Note: The above co-ordinates are not for the cache, but for the first stage. You've headed down to the posted co-ordinates and figured out how to use the pass phrase "Tom Geo Hide", but alas Mr. Tom Smith has thrown a wrench in your plans and you can't get the co-ordinates. So you resort to modern technology and visit the related web page instead. Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders sometimes go through a great deal of planning to place their caches. As a result, they'd like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Blank, single word, acronym, or emoticon logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell the hider or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log. |
8/26/2007 by Kabuthunk
I must admit... the puzzling start of this cache had me quite stumped for a while. We actually poked around the start of this cache (we being myself and my friend Night-Red) earlier today, but were coming up empty. Then again... I had COMPLETELY forgotten the nature of the start of this cache, what with a pass phrase and such.
Hence... initially, due to the various signal-killing structures all over the place, the coordinates took us to the front of the church. We poked around the bushes, the fence, looked inside of nooks and crannies... but given there were people parked all over the place, this was quickly abandoned. At which point... I did something smart. I pulled out my palm-pilot and read the cache description . Funny how that can be helpful sometimes
. After looking around for anything relating to someone named "Tom", I contemplated knocking on the church door and asking if the term "Tom Geo Hide" meant anything to them. However, my... not so much wanting to say weird things to strangers downtown forced me to hold back for the moment
. However, as there was still people parked nearby, we temporarily abandoned the search.
However... this was not the end . Deciding to take another swing at it upon our return to the coordinates (which still kept putting me in front of the church for some reason), I decided to check out the hint for the cache... which I must admit, helped immensely (despite technically being incorrect... but that's besides the point
). After figuring out WHERE the first stage is... it took us about a minute to figure out how to access it. We started looking all over the place... once again in nooks and crannies (and finding a sheet of plexyglass in one of them... weird), at which point... a light suddenly came on in my mind, and I instantly knew what to do. Seconds later, I had the coords to the second stage
Luckly... we happened to be travelling in that general direction as well. Not long after, we found ourselves near the second set of coordinates. A quick parking, and off we walked! A little trudging here and hopping there, and a cache we had found! I REALLY like the general vicinity of the final though . We however took what appears to have been a more difficult route to get to the cache though. As it always is, we took the hard way in, and the obvious, easy way out
Thanks for the excellent puzzle/multi cache. It was immense fun .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
You used to need a quarter to use the pass phrase in the tardis.