Located at an off-leash park in downtown Winnipeg. |
This cache is located at one of the most underused off-leash dog parks in the City of Winnipeg's inventory. The park is bordered by the river, Canwest ball park, and The Forks. The cache container is a small square plastic box with no room for trading (log book and pencil only). Look for evidence of the street that once ran through the middle of the park. Make sure to bring your doggie for a little off-leash time.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
4/15/2007 by Kabuthunk
Y'know, I was kinda nervous about going after this cache after having read Milesmac's last log there. However, I figured it's the middle of a nice, warm, Sunday afternoon... there's lots of witnesses around... I might as well go for it.
Hence... off I walked. Didn't see anyone even remotely looking suspicious or dangerous through the entire journey, so I was quite pleased with that
. Locating the cache however took a little bit of doing. Had to wait a few times for pedestrians to walk by, while I basically leaned back against the wooden railing, resting my heels. However, had I read the hint... my search would definitely have gone a lot faster
. But... I didn't even think to look at the hint until I got home just now. No matter, I came through regardless. Very nice hiding spot. Although, I'd probably put it at more than a 1/1 difficulty, and maybe bump it up to a size 'small' instead of 'micro', but that's just me
In either case, thanks for the walk through the dog park (although I never actually saw any dogs though
. Saw the top of some railroad rail embedded deep in the ground though. Musta once been a railway there or something) and the cache
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Hints (Back)
wood rots from the bottom up