You may find this calculator useful, although any high-precision calculator (such as the Windows desktop calculator app) will do. 3092,0781,0998,1308,0781 1991,3353,2793,3496,1776 2975,0853,0781,3404,0835 0304,2982,2814,3092,3116 0781,0702,0829,3299,1398 3536,1980,0096,1149,1602 1939,2986,0267,3404,0835 0304,2986,3114,3192,3312 1127,0390,2542,2696,2645 1829 Cache is a 180mL Lock&Lock containing a log book and a pencil. It's small, but does have room for some goodies. Good luck! ![]() ![]() |
5/2/2007 by Kabuthunk
I can't say I expected to be able to solve this puzzle on my own. I spent hours upon hours reading over RSA encryption, fiddling with the numbers... doing everything I could think of doing.
Yet I still lived up to my expectations of being unable to solve this on my own . After many fruitless hours of toiling away on it, I called out to friends via the interwebbing, and after much waiting (and a little more toiling myself), someone came upon the solution. Then again, the way they explained it to me made a BIT more sense... but not much
In either case... with the coordinates in hand, I was primed to hunt down some cache. Unfortunately, after work today I had several prior engagements that couldn't me migrated or worked around. Hence, I had to wait a bit... until about 9:15 pm. The sun had just set, and the light was waning quickly. But still... off I set. I arrived at about 9:30, and quickly set to work hunting. It took me several minutes however, since I was... shall we say... looking incorrectly height-wise . But... I prevailed.
The good thing about doing a cache this late is that there's like... next to noone around, so avoiding drawing attention or prying eyes was quite easy. Thanks for the cache, and stretching my brain muscle more than it's used to being stretched... even if I did reach it's elasticity and needed some help to go the last few millimeters .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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