Welcome to the Bishop Grandin Greenway Eco-Education Site. Take time to read the info signs the city has put up and enjoy the scenery. Cache is located just off the bike path. Be sure to bring your own pencil or pen and watch out for muggles on this busy path. |
10/6/2009 by Kabuthunk
Wow, been a bit since my last cache (Sept 20), but it's good to have been able to find at least one to close that gap. Seems things get unusually busy this time of year, which takes away valuable caching time . Today however, mere happensance happened to have placed me right next to the cache. My wife has been wanting to go for more walks lately (kinda late in the year, but a ton of clothing can take care of that problem), so today after work we started out. Our general theory is that we park at Home Depot, and walk a fair distance down the Bishop Grandin greenway, turn around, and come back. And basically repeat that daily (weather permitting... unlike today, when it's raining, which tends to not go well with near-freezing cold).
However, I KNEW that there was a cache or two somewhere along this stretch of the greenway, and prepared to go after it. Starting out from the car, we made our way to the path. Apparently, the cache was closer than expected! A mere 170 meters away from where I checked the GPS. I figured it would be in the approximate area of that nature... area thing (not having read the cache description ahead of time). However, Laura was quite so amused when I told her "nice rack", then followed up her glare by saying I was merely stating the name of the cache I'm after . As we turned the corner, I pointed out to Laura that she could go play with the slidey learning-board things there (I've perused them myself only days after they were placed, having seem them during a bike trip) while I looked for the cache. She made a bit of a glance at it, but was then more amused with the 'nice rack' in question.
Oh yes, I quite enjoy seeing a nice rack, and so did my wife .
The rack in question is looking a lot better than the last time I paid attention to it though. When I FIRST saw it, it had just been placed there, and was still pretty rough looking. I think it may have only had one layer of paint on it or something, but it's looking a lot better now.
Although, I'm still confused as hell as to what that marble slab thing is there. Are those slots for measurement purposes? Symbolic of anything? And what's with the different depths, lengths, etc? It almost seems like a cipher of some sort. Better not be though, or we'll end up with another Shugborough inscription or Dorabella cipher or any other such thing where there's not enough characters to decipher it.
But, mysterious marble slab aside, on to the cache! At first I just started walking down what looked like a deep tire track in to the bushes (how in the world any kind of vehicle got through there, I'll never know), and next I glanced at the GPS, it said '1 meter'. I was like "huh... strange. Kinda figured it'd be... y'know... a little less in the open." Going off of the safe assumption that my GPS just hasn't settle down yet from having been walking, I set about checking anything nearby. It looks like a few geotrails have formed around the area... or perhaps that's kids trying to spot the various creatures mentioned on those boards back there, I dunno. The trails kinda seem to go all over the place. Actually, I get the feeling that the bushes down the walking path have become basically play-areas for kids living in the apartments nearby.
Which brings me to the cache! I eventually needed to grab the hint from cachemate, which quickly led me to the right location . Given the assumedly large number of kids that play around these parts (or gather for their nature learning... things), I'm glad the the cache has survived. Can't go wrong with good camouflage
. So after having tossed in a micromail ball and signing the logbook, I replaced it as found and we continued on our trek.
Thanks for giving me an added objective to go after during our walk today .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
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