Standing at the posted coordinates look between the light posts. The 3 letters you see need to be input into the following coordinates. N49 49.A0B W097 11.1C7 Where A is the first letter, B is the second letter and C is the third letter. Convert the letters to numbers using the most obvious conversion. |
2/18/2007 by Kabuthunk
WOOT! I've been wanting to get this guy for like... EVER now. It's one of the closest remaining to my home location, but I've never had the chance to go after it.
Also, I tended to avoid most puzzle caches, since they usually require me to go back home, look up stuff online, etc, etc. However, after reading over the cache description more thoroughly, it appeared this one MIGHT be able to be done in the field. Previous logs indicate that the "decode" method is trickier than expected, so I came up with three possible decode methods that I thought might be used.
In either case... off we go (me and my friend Night-Red that is)! Circled back and forth down McGillivray a few times to try to find the best way to go after it. Stopped on the side for a bit and contemplated running out for it, but I always have this constant, nagging worry that I'll get towed like... 10 seconds after I leave my car where it shouldn't be. Hence... I generally refuse to drive-up to drive-up caches in general . I'll always look for actual parking.
And I did find it... sorta. There was a visitor's parking at that big MTS building across the road and a little east of the cache. It looked closed for Sunday... and I STILL worried that I'd get towed because of this... but off I went regardless. I even kept looking back to see if I could see a tow-truck driving up or anything.
Yes, I tend to stress myself. I've got to learn to relax more.
Anyhoo... found some footsteps leading us over the snowbank and towards the coordinates. There was also some kind of vehicle-made tread-path that packed down some of the walking too.
Anyhoo... to cut this log a tad shorter (since I could probably go on for a bit yet. Quite the creative cache ), after a little bit of wandering here and there, we got everything sorted out and found footprints leading us towards the cache itself as well. Yay for not getting snow in my shoes on this cache! Quickly found the cache after following the steps leading us to it, and traded one geocoin for another while there. Nice little bushy area, albeit a tad hard to find a place to put your car nearby
Took: The Crossing Travel Coin
Left: Logbook entry, Toronto 2006 Geocoin, and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
Look up to the east.