Cache is a small container, that has logbook, FTF cert, pocket protector, winnipeg pin, canadian pin, and Famous Players token. Please bring a writing stick, I don't have one that fits this container! I have tried several coordinates, but reception is wonky. The coordinates posted got me within 2 meters. Do not be worried about muggles from the east. They know what you are doing, give them a wave for me! |
8/16/2011 by Kabuthunk
5 years... has it really been that long already? Technically, several days more than 5 years... it looks like although last year was pretty dead on for visiting this cache as an anniversary tradition of mine, I was a few days late this year. Oh, I had thought about it several weeks ago, but unsurprisingly forgot about it until just yesterday. Unfortunately however, I didn't have time to go and pay tribute to what started it all for me until today.
Alas, I won't be saying nearly as much this year, since after the last 4 years of log and notes, I've just about said all that is possible to say at this point . At least I've still got a good memory of the location... but having visited it so many times by now, I think that's a given. I didn't turn my GPS on at all for this visit, anyway.
Although it seems as though on this visit, I had to park a fair bit further away. The last time... and pretty much all times if I'm not mistaken (minus maybe one), I just parked in the lot right across from the coordinates. As I pulled into the parking lot today however, sure as luck would have it, someone who actually belonged there happened to pull in about 10 seconds after I stopped the car. I crossed my fingers hoping it was another geocacher, but nope... they parked in front of the main building, and then took their sweet time unloading stuff from the car.
At this point, I felt ridiculously conspicuous. I decided to go the 'safe' route and park on the East/West stretch of Henlow Bay where several other vehicles had parked. I debated whether to just park on the street right beside ground zero... the only sign vaguely indicating anything about parking was that it was a snow route (certainly not an issue right now), but still I passed on that. I'm sure you probably CAN park there, but I've never, ever actually seen anyone park on that stretch of road, so I figured I wouldn't press my luck. I can walk a few hundred meters.
And so I did. I hoofed it over to the cache and signed the logbook and dropped in a chainmail ball for good old times sake. Curiously, there appears to be TWO logbooks now... one of them mostly full. I decided to sign the 'newer' logbook, since having signings bounce back and forth between them would just be silly. All in all though, it was a gorgeous day out, and I once again thank you for getting it all started for me .
And in retrospect, despite my thinking this would just be a short note, it seems to have turned out quite long. Well, still short for a log of mine, but still.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
8/12/2010 by Kabuthunk
Once again, I decide to make my yearly pilgrimage out to the very first cache that started it all for me. And THIS time... for the first time... not only did I remember ahead of time when the anniversary of my first geocache was, but I also was able to visit it ON the correct day! Due however to unforeseen issues, I wasn't able to actually type this log up until the 13th... but that part's more irrelevant .
But nonetheless... this marks my 4-year anniversary of being a geocacher... longer than I've been at my current job! Has much changed since year 3? Actually, not all that too terribly much. I geocache probably about the same amount... maybe a bit less due to the number of friend gatherings and other obligations that have come about this year... and for the most part I don't think my skills have changed much at all. All in all, things remain much the same this year around... and that's quite alright by me. The hunt is still enjoyable, the people I meet are still friendly, and the places I see are still a surprise at times.
For this specific cache however, I obviously didn't need my GPS with me to revisit it today. In retrospect, it would have been nice to have the geocaching kit with me for the sake of a pen and regular size chainmail ball... but I have an 'emergency mini bison tube' on my keys for just such occasions. When I got to ground zero however, I was able to spot the cache container from a long ways off. I don't know if it was the wind that perhaps pushed it from its more hidden location, or some bystander that came across it and barely put it back, but in either case the container was halfway out of its hiding spot. Retrieving it as I walked up (after work thankfully... everything appeared to be closed, and trying to visit this during working hours would weird me out ), I opened it up to have a looksee inside. It seems as though the original logbook is still there, and a replacement one, which takes up a fair amount of space in the container. The cache owner may want to consider removing the full logbook to free up some room. Perhaps do what I do, and take a picture of the logbook pages that are filled and post them somewhere (on the cache page itself I'd think, or a personal webpage) so that the cache's physical history doesn't disappear over time. I dunno... I just like to give the logbooks a purpose of sorts after the fact.
But that done, I dropped in a micro titanium chainmail ball and signed the newer logbook with a tiny nub of pencil that's in my emergency geocaching capsule. Gotta say, it's pretty useful to have that around, for just such circumstances as today when I wouldn't have had time to leave to get a pen and then return .
So the cache found and replaced in a more hidden manner, I headed back to the car to head into year 5 of geocaching. Thanks for getting me addicted to the hobby in which I've discovered so many things about myself, the people, and the places around me .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and titanium micromail ball
8/13/2009 by Kabuthunk
Another year goes by, and my memory of the date of my very first geocache has gotten tremendously better than the last few years. Yesterday (only 1 day off this time!) marks my 3 year anniversary into the world of geocaching. And I actually even remembered yesterday! However, I was home sick, and thus wasn't particularily up for driving out to here .
Amusing story as to what brought it to mind though. During the boredom of being home for the day, drinking hot tea like it's going out of style, I decided to wander over to an online site that I'd seen mentioned here and there, Omegle (or some spelling like that). After a few fruitless chats in which the other person disconnected after one or two posts (one of which can be seen mocked by me here), I started chatting with a random stranger to whom I brought up the question "ever heard of geocaching" as a blind shot in the dark. To my surprise, they HAD, and were in fact quite fond of it. They never mentioned their geocaching name, but then, that defeats the purpose of the 'chat with a stranger' aspect . In either case, while chatting about geocaching, I mentioned my anniversary was coming up, and upon checking what the specific date was... lo and behold, it was that very day!
Thus, I wrote on my hand to visit ye olde cache after work today. Driving over at about 5:40, I was unpleasantly dismayed to discover that there was a company van of some sort parked IMMEDIATELY beside the cache coordinates. Driving by slowly, I saw that there was noone inside the vehicle, and a ladder was up against the building leading to the roof, where I assume the vehicle owner was. Parking in that parking lot behind the trees, I looked around on the roof and could see no movement whatsoever. Perfect! Quickly walking over, I swooped the cache out of its hiding spot and walked back to my car. Noone calling me, and looking back I still saw noone. Beautiful . Unfortunately, to avoid drawing undue attention to myself there, I only signed my name in the logbook and dropped my yearly chainmail ball in. No matter for the most part though, since the online log is just posted as a 'note', what with me obviously having found it in the past
Returning the cache in the same way I obtained it, I returned back to the car, still having not seen any activity on the roof or in the van. Looks like I lucked out on this one .
As per last year, thanks for placing the cache that got me started into geocaching. Barring unforseen circumstances, I hope to revisit again next year .
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Took: Reminisced memories
8/19/2008 by Kabuthunk
I decided to make my yearly pilgrimage to this cache today. Right around this time of year, I begin to remember that it was somewhere in August when I first started geocaching. Last year, when I remembered, it was on August 18th, which ended up being 6 days after my 1-year anniversary. I've technically gotten a bit better this year, as I actually remembered about the anniversary on the 17th this time. However, today was the first day I had an opportunity to go revisit it.
Oh, and don't worry... I'm logging these revisits as notes, not finds .
It looks like not much has changed that I can remember the last two times I was here. Looking back at my first log on August 12, 2006 I can see that although the cache has stayed almost identical, I have myself evolved quite thoroughly as a geocacher... and perhaps even as a whole.
Probably most notably, my logging length seems to have grown a bit in the past two years. My very first log had 103 words in it. For the past six months, my average log length is somewhere around 600 or so, if not more. Heck, THIS log... not even completed yet... is already at 203 words in length, and this is just a note of a revisit . I'm pretty certain that if there was a calling for it, and I had the opportunity, I would probably make a decent storyteller... albeit possibly long-winded
In the time I've been geocaching, I've met many new people, placed my own geocaches, had plenty of adventures, and seen tons of locations and sights I would have never encountered otherwise. Truly, geocaching is the hobby (I still refuse to call it a 'sport'... and while I'm at it, a non-geocacher is a 'bystander', not a 'muggle' ) that allows a person to experience more... well... everything
Otherwise, as with last year, I thank you for placing this cache, which got me started into geocaching. 2 years and over 400 caches later, and I'm still enjoying every minute of it .
Took: Some more memories
Left: Logbook entry
8/18/2007 by Kabuthunk
I decided to pay a re-visit to the very first cache I had ever found today. Ironically... it's almost on the exact same day that I found it one year ago (6 days ago last year).
Ahh, memories. It was ths cache that began it all, and continues to this day. Signed the logbook mentioning my revisit, and replaced it. It's good to see that my memory of it's location is still accurate .
But... I'd just like to thank you again for putting in the cache that got the ball rolling for my geocaching hobby .
8/12/2006 by Kabuthunk
This was officially my first cache ever found, and for that, I thank you . Interesting point about this though... I do not yet own a GPS system. I discovered this cache was close to my workplace, so I attempted to locate it by having a half-hour prior looked at the zoomed-in "mapquest" map located through this page. So yeah... yay for caching without a GPS
. Nice and easy to find for my first hunt :}
Left: Chainmail "Tetra Orb" (see my profile) and a logbook entry.
Took: Plastic skull ring (to be kept as a memento of my first cache).
Hints (Back)
Not in a tree.