This is our first cache. We hope you enjoy this historical event of Winnie-the-Bear and how he evolved into Winnie the Poohİ. THIS IS A FOUR STAGE MULTI. Waypoint 0 you will be looking for a small camo lock ‘n lock which will hold your remaining clues to complete the cache. You will need your best math skills for this task. All items in the cache are Pooh related. It would be nice to keep trading trinkets with that theme in mind. At Waypoint 1 you may wish to bring a Poppy or flower (Hint). The initial contents of the cache: FTF prize medal Sheet of Pooh Stickers (retrieved from “Zoo Train”) Pooh Body Art Pooh Yo Yo Baggie with Tigger (retrieved from “Skaven’s Quick Drop”) and Pooh stickers Baggie of Pooh Stickers Pooh Post-It Notes 6 Pooh pencils Pooh tape dispenser, eraser & pencil sharpener 3 Honey Bees Pooh Log Book with Piglet Pen Winnie-the-Peg TB Important events in Winnie's Journal: FTF was 1701eh on July 19, 2006 Milestone of 1400 reached by OHMIC here on October 7, 2007 Milestone of 800 reached by foodninja here on Oct. 9, 2007 Milestone of 1800 reached by Trove Chasers here on April 26, 2009 |
8/12/2007 by Kabuthunk
Victory is mine at last!!! It has been over three months (by one day) since I started this geocache. And today... the battle is over! After a long drive back from Gladstone today, I decided that to end off a good weekend of geocaching, I wanted to find ONE more geocache. Also, I wanted to drop the 'Evil Keys' geocache, so that I'm not holding onto it for too long.
Hence... I decided to tackle this long-standing partially-finished geocache once and for all! I even got my fiancee to come along for the ride . A little bit of a drive later, and we were vaguely close to the cache. Since the map software that I have is several years old (or that's the reason I'm going with), I figured that the closest parking was at the Zoo, about 400 meters away as the crow flies. My fiancee talked me into driving down a residential road (I originally wanted to avoid that in case there was no parking allowed there) that took me to within 200 meters of the cache. Hence... we easily found parking, and my fiancee read a book in the car while I went after the cache.
At that point... I discovered that there's APPARENTLY a road that that would have put me to about 30 meters from the cache . However, there was some kind of gathering happening in the park there, so parking would have been hard to find at best... so it might be for the best that I walked the extra distance. I can't remember the name of the street that we went down... but it ended with a loop-around, and inside of said loop-around was a path going into the park. Really nice, shady path too. Quite relaxing
Thankfully, noone was close to the cache when I went after it. Checking the logs, it looks like noone's seen this cache for several months. Well... hopefully the well sought-after 'Evil Keys' TB that I just dropped in here will get it a little bit more action . Very interesting container for the cache too! But (check the attached pic) it appears that the song for the Winnie the Pooh cartoon is a bit inaccurate. Winnie the Pooh isn't stuffed with fluff... he appears to be (at least partially) stuffed with slugs
. Willy nilly silly old bear's been getting hungry enough to eat the slight hint of nutrience that has been oozing overtop of him, apparently
Thanks for the awesome adventure, and tour all over the place into the history of Winnie the Pooh . Very educational, and a fun cache as a whole
. I can't say I ever imagined it'd take THIS long to complete the cache... and I wish I had completed all the parts a lot sooner, but I'm glad I kept at it and finall got 'er solved.
Truly an excellent way to end a great weekend with friends and geocaching .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, chainmail ball, and 'Evil Keys' TB
7/21/2007 by Kabuthunk
July 21: Whup, part 3 tackled today. Was contemplating going after part 4... but I couldn't remember one of the facts needed to solve it in the field. When I tried... it was trying to put part 3 about 50km's away . Figuring I might be a touch off, I went home with only the third portion of the cache found. However... just in case I forget some of it, I took a picture of what needed to be photographed, and will solve it shortly. I'll be back for the final round. Slowly but surely... I'm chistling away at this cache
July 14: It may be hideously delayed... but I was laid-off from the place I was working that was nearby. Today however... I had time and access to the car to be able to tackle the second stage. Man... I never knew how big that area was! I found my way in to the coordinates, and took a picture of everything relevant, since I was running low on time before being... shall we say... locked into certain places .
I'll however solve this stage, and hopefully be able to tackle the rest of this cache in a bit more timelier a manner .
[This entry was edited by Kabuthunk on Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 8:28:43 PM.]
5/11/2007 by Kabuthunk
May 11: Just writing a note to indicate the day in which I first started finding this cache. Unfortunately, due to time constraints today, I was only able to go after the first stage... but had read in the description that it'd be quite a journey to get the final of it. Hence, I figured I'd at least start it out today, and gather the rest as I'm able. I'll just add another section to this note as I find the other parts of the multi, until I post an entirely different 'found' log.
Oh, random note though... there's only three pamphlets now left in stage 1. Not sure if there was meant to be more, or if that's the average number for there... but just thought I'd toss that fact out here. Otherwise... the rest will hopefully come this weekend, but we'll see.
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