cache is hidden in its surroundings,with log book and ftf cert,with a few trade items,stealth would really be needed. |
beware of cache containing a alien visiter,this bug keeps its distance from you, and shoots virus rounds from its core, located inside its head, its nicknamed "hopper", after its hopping action, so i have been told,beware if you have the nerve.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
3/20/2007 by Kabuthunk
It was a dark and stormy night. Ok, well... it wasn't quite dark yet. Quite bright actually. Damn daylight savings time, eating an hour of my sleep
. Nor was it really stormy either, come to think of it.
But windy. Holy HELL was it windy. So I had just left work, and swung into the McPhillips Street Station parking lot. Opened the car door... only to find the car door fight me back. Turns out the wind was so vicious at that particular moment, that I had to give a few good shoves before I could wedge my leg into the open door so I could haul my backpack out. For the record, the wind whipping the car door against your ankle is not the greatest of feelings on earth
But... after extracting myself from the car, off I went! About 200 meters to walk. And by walk, I mean "lean into the wind and hope that I don't step on an icy patch while crossing the road". Luck was with me today however, and I did not block traffic with my body. Off I went/leaned!
Arrived at the cache location in general. All the vehicles were whipping by so fast, I doubt any of them even noticed me. Didn't see anyone pass by on the sidewalk while I was there... which was also nice. To be careful though, I kinda went behind the trees to stay out of sight. After looking around for a bit... I couldn't find squat. SO... I did what Kabuthunks usually do when at a loss for where to look.
I sat back (well... crouched, anyway. There IS snow on the ground), and just... looked. Let my eyes wander at best... see if they can spot that which doesn't look right.
And the technique succeeds yet again! Shortly after beginning said technique, I spotted that which I have no clue how I missed before
. I'm not sure why... but it COMPLETELY eluded my vision for god knows how long. Nice hiding spot BTW. Definitely liked this cache
Took: Gramma Bonnie's Bug TB
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Nearby Caches
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I Want A New Drug (1.95 kms S)
Fife and NO Drum (2.14 kms N)
GCXKHD Cache @ Club 1550 (2.18 kms SW)
GC10AWN Remember #81 - Not (2.23 kms N)
GC1XFNN North St. james (2.31 kms W)
GCX5ND Winnie's Big Cache (2.51 kms W)
Hints (Back)
its green and smells,birds call it home,