Retrieve the co-ordinates from stage 1 and proceed to the cache. Please make sure to rehide the cache well. The park is open during the summer months from 08:00-16:00, however pedestrians can enter the park year round until 23:00. This cache was inspired by Where Rivers Collide hidden by Junglehair & The Old Bat. That cache introduced me to the park and I've been back many times since. Stage 1 is hidden very close to where the original cache was. Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders sometimes go through a great deal of planning to place their caches. As a result, they'd like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Blank, single word, acronym, or emoticon logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell the hider or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
1/21/2007 by Kabuthunk
WOOH! Now THERE was a hike and a half. Me and my friend Night-Red went after this cache shortly after tackling the "Highway 61" cache a little ways north. I've been hankering to go after this one since fall, back when I had found the "Pollock Island" cache. Back when I found that one, I was standing pretty much right on the edge of the river, seeing that the 'Where Rivers Still Collide' cache was like... 50 meters away, on the other side. At the other time, if I had a ton of nerves or guts or stupidity... and also didn't have to go to work immediately after that cache, I probably would have been more tempted to either attempt to cross on that long fallen tree crossing the river, or swim it.
But that's just brutal insanity, and I would have folded regardless .
Nonetheless... cache... hankering... this one... yeah. I wasn't sure if I could get close by car from the other side of the river, or if I would have like... a kilometer hike or something stupid from the nearest parking. Never been there, had no clue. What I DID know was that 'Pollock Island' was close to this one, so I decided I would tackle it in winter when the river was frozen solid. It was at this time where it was both warm enough out, and I was confident in the river's solidity.
Allow me to break from the story for a moment to give some background here. I don't own winter boots. Nor can I buy winter boots at the moment, as I'm dirt poor . I also don't have snowshoes, but I'm planning on buying some relatively soon... because I love showshoing, and having them would mostly negate me needing winter boots to begin with... but that's besides the point. At this moment, I had neither. I DO have old running shoes. Loosely tied at that (which I realized later could have been better concieved
). Several layers of clothing and yonder old shoes, and I deemed myself 'good enough' for this snowy hike.
Back to the story. So we parked on that street leading towards Pollock Island, and hiked in. The snowmobile tracks made it packed enough to be able to walk with no problems for the most part. Once we got in to where the tracks kinda wander off from eachother... it was aaaaaall soft at that point. So a trudging through the snow we went. By the time we got close to the river bank, I had stopped to take off my shoes and knock the snow out of them twice.
Mental note... snow is cold.
Ahh, soaking feet... so many memories of growing up. We quickly found the first stage of the multi (or at least I did... Night-Red was off looking in the wrong place), and popped the coords into the GPS. Off we went! To my surprise, stage 2 wasn't on the first side of the river. I'd have SO done that, just to make it more difficult (well... except in winter) .
A little bit of a trek later, and we were at stage 2. Nice hide. The GPS was off at first, so we ended up wandering down an incline and needing to climb back up it again. Shortly thereafter, a cache was chainmail-balled and signed . Nice adventure. Then came the trip back.
We decided it would be smartest to walk along the river for most of the way, and come up again as close to the car as we could while staying off private property. Worked out INFINITELY better. Wish we thought of that way first. I think I must have dumped snow out of my shoes about 10 times during this cache. It made for a hell of an adventure to say the least, and one that won't be soon forgotten. Thanks for letting this story become possible. I sit here now with nicely warmed feet, and wouldn't have changed how I did this cache for the world .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)