A small cache hidden on the edge of private property ,with permission of owner. |
Unfortunately the original St. Norbert Strobilus had to be disabled due to many dissappearences!! This one is bigger & better! The cache is a small lock & lock with logbook and pencil, a geocoin & T.B. There is also a coveted FTF certificate. and a few other goodies.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
6/20/2009 by Kabuthunk
Wow, was today a warm day to be out geocaching. According to the weather network, today is supposed to have a high of +25, with a 'feels like' of +29. Not too shabby for June. I can only wonder what's held in store for us come August
But... we had other plans in this area of town actually. Given this cache is in St. Norbert and today's a Saturday, I think we all know what today's goal was.
Farmer's Market
Although, the Farmer's Market didn't have all that terribly much in the way of produce just yet. It's still too early for most plants to have been able to put out any fruit or anything. There's the usual dill, rhubarb, and several other things... but none of which interested us at the time. We did at least pick up some spinach leaves for salad though. Ate a hotdog, and got some perogies from one of the places there (can't remember the name). The sample they gave me was really good though
But... that aside, it didn't take us long to peruse things and head back towards the car. Even prior to us parking though, I noticed a few geocaches in the area. None were between the car and the Market though. HOWEVER... on the way BACK, perhaps I could just... y'know... keep walking. Laura however... wasn't up for a half-kilometer walk. It was really hot and sunny out, and we were wearing dark colours. I asked if she wanted to go for a walk with me... no dice. Doesn't stop ME however, so I say I want to give it a shot, so she replies with "better start running"
. Off I jog down the sidewalk towards the cache. Course, given the temperature out, I ended up slowing to a walk a few times. A scant few minutes later, and I found myself at the geocache coordinates. Although, working my way there, I thought to myself "hmm... distinct lack of parks or anything here it could be hidden in." So standing about 8 meters from the cache, I grabbed my palm pilot and checked the cache description.
Hidden with permission? That's all I need to see
. A few steps later, and the cache was nigh-instantly found. Strange... almost invisible from the road, but easy to find once you're here. At least I didn't need to hunt around in the blisteringly hot sun for a while... me without sunscreen (I burn or get heatstroke fairly easily). So one quick signing of the logbook later, and I found that the "Mr. Bones" travelbug fit nicely inside. Mainly due to the fact that this TB has sometime in the past lost both it's legs
. One chainmail ball followed, and the cache was back in its hiding spot.
And thankfully, I didn't have to make that half-kilometer trek back to the main road. My wife was pseudo-following me in the car, and made a loop around up a head and picked me up. It's like a drive-up cache, but I only got the drive-away portion
But thanks for the cache, and thanks to the property owner for allowing a cache here. It's always fun being able to grab a cache in the area while the Farmer's Market is going on
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, Mr. Bones TB, and chainmail ball
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Watch out for the wild turkeys!