There is nothing in the cache but the log. There is little or no opportunity for trade items. Bring your own writing device. Please be careful of muggles. It is imperative the cache be replaced properly. You'll know what I mean when you see it. I got the idea for this cache by looking at odd caches on the Groundspeak forums. Have fun. |
9/30/2008 by Kabuthunk
Well, I may have been lacking a ghillie-suit (or however that's spelled), but I was able to locate the cache! I once again went after work again today, and once again, my wife was with me (albeit in the car... but at least I'm getting her out of the apartment. Baby steps... baby steps). As with last time, there was a random smattering of people out frolfing, but none anywhere even remotely close to me. Just as I was arriving, one set was just finishing up on the South side of the stream/creek/wet thing, and the only other set came by just after I started leaving the area. So somehow, I managed to find an empty period in the middle there.
I had poked Lizardo for a bit of a hint on this cache. As it turns out... my interpretation of the hint was ENTIRELY wrong. I'm talking "woah, what the hell were YOU thinking" level of wrong . So yeah... I did 10 times the work with absolutely zero chance of finding it
The funny part however? The last time I was here, I was actually looking DIRECTLY at the cache. DIRECTLY! For several seconds! I even pondered to myself about it thinking "what are the odds it's there... nah, that doesn't make sense."
Again and again... when will I EVER learn to trust these random hunches of mine? I've lost count of how many times I thought it "couldn't be there", only eventually find that it was... indeed... exactly in that spot.
At least this time, I confirmed with Lizardo before going my next interpretation of the hint, and he let me know I was on the right path. Before arriving, I actually had a slightly different idea as to where the cache could be hidden. Although, at least I was thinking in the exact WAY it would be hidden... so that sped up the process.
And this time around, upon spotting the cache 'container', I got a good laugh out of the hiding spot itself. I love the way that the hiding spot seems so... fitting... of Lizardo. When you see it, you'll know what I'm talking about . Maybe. It kinda jumped out at me when I realized it, anyway.
So I quickly and easily retrieved the cache, and signed the logbook. Although, the logbook is starting to get a little bit dirty it looks like. I tried to clean it up as best I could, but wasn't able to do much. The problem is likely that the cache container itself seems to be a bit bent, and is letting in moisture somewhat. I'm thinking if Lizardo can find a way to unbend the container, that would probably solve the problem. I tried a bit while I was there, but wasn't able to make any progress. Having a smaller logbook might also help, as that would make it easier to close.
But all that aside, thanks for introducing me to the park, and giving me a hint. Man, I can't even count how many times I must have walked past it, if not even laid my hand beside the cache the first time I was here.
Unfortunately, I completely forgot to bring a frisbee with me this time . But having watched some of the frolfers a little bit, it looks like they're using really small frisbees. Is one supposed to use special, smaller frisbees for this, or are those just normal sized, and the distance is just distorting it? In other words... if I come by with a regular frisbee, are people going to look at me and shake their heads at the newbie?
But yeah... thanks for the help, and introducing me to the frisbee golf course. One day, I will be back to give it a whirl . In fact, this cache was so much fun, I placed a limited edition titanium nanomail ball (the micromail was having a rough time getting into there). I held it in place with a little piece of camouflage tape... the next finder will understand why when they see it
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and titanium nanomail ball
9/28/2008 by Kabuthunk
Oh... this cache put up a fight. Unfortunately, it was a fight that it won. I was planning to end my day by finding this cache which I've been wanting to go after for a long, long time now. Unforunately, whenever I've had the opportunity to head towards here, the... umm... establishment to the North of the coordinates is open... and I'm not all the comfortable biking around there around those times. Blame it on me being a country-boy, and generally paranoid of everything .
But otherwise, today I both had a car, the time, and the establishment seemed to be closed for 'new management', according to the sign. Parking just South of the coordinates, I was treated to something I COMPLETELY didn't expect. I never realized that this park was home to a Frisbee-golf course. Heck... I didn't even know Frisbee-golf EXISTED in Winnipeg! And it's apparently fairly popular, too! During the time that I was there (about 30 minutes or so), at least three or four couples were playing through! Makes me want to get my frisbee next time to blend in more.
Ok, large mental note... I now have an absolutely foolproof plan to blend in perfectly with the surroundings . A full-body ghillie suit, built to look like a low hill in the ground!
Ok, I may pass on that, and just bring a frisbee with me instead .
So after poking around the posted coordinates for a few minutes, turning up nothing... I decided to pull out my palm pilot and check out the description, past logs, and hint. Unfortunately, the description and logs didn't help much, but the hint got my mind thinking. I THOUGHT I figured it out, and proceeded to wander around the entire frisbee-golf area, searching around. There were several people sitting around or playing the game... so I did my best to look like I was either researching the game, or somehow working. Ahh, the ultimate bystander-keeper-awayer. Have a notepad and a pen in hand, repeatedly checking your notes and writing stuff down. If they think you're working... noone gives you a second thought, I've noticed .
Of course, the only thing I was writing down was attempting to decipher the hint. As I said, I thought I came up with the answer, but I'll be checking with Lizardo about that one shortly. After a half-hour of circling around, making my way back to the posted coordinates, circling some more, going back and forth over the stream, I eventually decided to call it quits and admit defeat.
You win this round, 'Game Then Set'... but tomorrow's another dinifra!
Literally... I'll probably be swinging by here again tomorrow after work, if Lizardo gets back to me and confirms a few things by then .
Hints (Back)
Title of the cache is an anagram.