A First to Find Hunter's Nightmare... Two identical caches, equally hidden, both in imminent danger of being found before you can get there. There is only time to be the FTF for one. How do you determine which receives your attention first? Two sets of co-ordinates, equally confusing, both needing to be calculated before you can leave. While you're trying to figure it out, someone else is on their way to the cache. Who is it going to be? Two available FTF certificates. Can you get both of them? Which way do you go first, East or West? Both caches are hidden off of Harvard Ave in a park ... but they're 12km apart. The "posted" co-ordinates are exactly halfway between the two caches. The Eastern Cache is in the Western part of the park. The Western Cache is at the Eastern end of the street.
"+" is addition The caches are small, well-camoflaged containers. Not big enough for travel bugs. Small trade items only please! If you find both the Eastern and Western caches, you may log twice to get the double find count. After all, this cache is about "doubles"! Each cache has identical tradable items:
![]() While you're in the neighbourhood, check out these nearby caches:
3/30/2007 by Kabuthunk
Hello East-side! Shortly after getting home from inadvertantly locating the West side, I set to work completing the puzzle. After all... since this would be already counted as a find, if I didn't find the East part soon, I'd lose track of it and forgotten that there was an East side as well.
Man... it's been WAY too long since I've played with equations. However... after getting back into the swing of it (and getting a little bit of confirmation from the mngeocaching chatroom), I had the coordinates needed! Luckly, I could also check my work, since I knew what the coordinates of the West side were already (or at least approximately. Some numbers were off, but I could at least check if I was right) .
So... I plug the new coords into my GPS (which had actually been that night had the antenna chewed apart by a cat... the story of that however is posted on my homepage in the geocaching section) and set off to find it. It was close to somewhere around 7:40pm by the time I arrived, so light was getting a little hard to come by. It was still workable though... didn't need to pull out a flashlight or anything. Then again, upon arriving at the area, I thought to myself "Man... there's... not really all that many places it could hide to begin with". Walking towards the coordinates, I quickly clipped the currently-mangled GPS to the side of my geocaching bag and walked toward what could really have been the ONLY possible place it could hide. And it turns out, I was right .
Well... I thought it might be smaller due to the room for hiding, so I grasped at one "smaller" spot and found nothing... but then I just spotted the cache container itself . It was somewhat exposed however, so I decided to give it a little bit better cover upon putting it back.
The logbook was a bit damp though. My pen (yay, I actually found it again... had been lost for the previous 3 or so days) managed to write on it easily though. Might need some time in the sun however. There however was no sunlight, as it was getting dark at the time. No droplets of water had gathered inside to drain out though, so it wasn't too bad yet.
In either case... thanks for the double-cache. T'was fun, and definitely got me in a "I HAVE to find both parts of it" frame of mind .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
3/29/2007 by Kabuthunk
I can honestly say that I never expected to find this cache today.
Literally. I wasn't even looking for it. In all honesty, I had no clue that it even existed. However, reading the logs in it's logbook, as well as on this webpage, this doesn't appear to be a secluded incident.
So there I was, parking nearby. I walk up from my parking spot about 25 meters away from the coordinates that I had in my GPS and begin walking. I walked past this particular cache's hiding spot (which appears to be popular, it seems) thinking that the other available hiding spots looked more plausible. Shows me for looking before leaping . After a quick search of the vicinity, I get back to this original hiding spot and grasp around.
Hello, what have we here? This cache container doesn't look like a typical Conquista. In fact... it's quite different. I could actually put a full sized chainmail ball in this one!
So I open it up. A little damp by the way... I dripped the water out of the cache and closed it as tight as I could later, but then again, it likely had ice in it's seams that melted. In either case... I opened it up and pulled out the logbook.
"Cache & Carriere? Doppelganger? Wha? That doesn't spell 'Conquista'. It can't even anagram to Conquista. Wha, did Skaven archive everything since I downloaded my pocket query last Friday and it's been filled by this one already? Nope... lotsa logs written down. Hmm... looks like a few other logs indicate the same thing. Peculiar."
So I sign the logbook. Honestly, I didn't even know this was a puzzle cache until I saw that someone had written on the logbook 'nice puzzle'. Then it clicked in. "Ahh, the posted coordinates weren't right here, so the Conquista was likely placed not even knowing of this one's existance." I think that this cache is the older of the two, anyway. Didn't check though.
BUT... at the bare minimum... I've now got a large hankering to actually DO the puzzle so that I can find the cache on the opposite side of Harvard. But... I was on my way home from work at the time, so that will have to wait for the moment.
In either case... thanks for the highly unexpected cache . Fear not, the puzzle part of it will be completed in due time
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
[This entry was edited by Kabuthunk on Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 6:27:06 PM.]
Hints (Back)
There are no ones or eights in the final set of coordinates, and all results are less than ten. It's at least a twenty-five minute drive between the two caches. I've given you a few hints so far, but if this still isn't enough, maybe you should stay "posted". But that was definitely your last hint! You can park on the street nearby each of the caches.