Parking on campus can be very difficult between 8:30 and 4:30 on weekdays. Meter parking is available at:
Most lots are free after 4:30. Cache contains a logbook, mechanical pencil, FTF certificate, and some (small) trade items. Hints
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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
10/20/2006 by Kabuthunk
Aaaand attempt #2 at the cache was a complete success. However, I had to pay a dollar for parking. Doing this cache cost me a dollar! I DEMAND RETRIBUTION! BAAGALGALGLAGLAGLAA!!!!!
But no, seriously... well worth the parking change. As with the others, when I arrived at the general vicinity, was rather lost at where it could be hiding. Luckly, very few people were walking by, so it was pretty easy. My first two attempts (before someone else started to walk by) ended up in nothing more than a puzzled look, however attempt 3 was successful! A kinda blind-luck with reaching my arm, but all is good. Ahh, nothing like a good reach-around to find what you're looking for.
Umm... scratch that last line .
Anyhoo, an awesome hide. Very nice spot, and quite an appropriate cache container for the University. Thanks for the hide, man :}
Took: Mini-geocaching sticker (for the small-sized cache I'm making)
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
[This entry was edited by Kabuthunk on Saturday, October 21, 2006 at 11:33:51 PM.]
10/7/2006 by Kabuthunk
Moved my car over to N-lot for the remainder of the U of M caches. Unfortunately, couldn't find this one this time around. Actually took two swings at it today. The first time, I kinda poked around (first mistake, after now having read the cache page and seeing that no poking is apparently required), but couldn't do much because a pair of people were standing around having a coffee and a smoke outside Engineering. Hence, left it for a bit and came back a bit later.
On said later in the afternoon attempt, I still found nothing. Then again, I was doing everything that the cache page said you don't have to do... that being moving, poking, prodding, and... well, no digging anyway. However, after having read the cache page, I've SO got to come back for this one sometime soon. Now I'm all curious as to where this fella is.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)