The posted coordinates will get you to the
area but to find the cache you must solve the
following: CGTCCTCGCCAATCTCGAATT H=0, I=6, K=1, L=7, P=9, Q=8, R=4, S=3 Congrats to ertyu on being FTF!![]() You can check your answers for this puzzle on |
8/18/2007 by Kabuthunk
YES! For once the random knowledge that I once thought completely useless for any practical situation, which would never be used in the course of my life... has come to light. Thank you geocaching and shaking the dust off of that corner of my long-term memory .
Unfortunately, said knowledge has somewhat dwindled since it was in it's prime... but upon seeing the actual puzzle to this cache, I knew EXACTLY what it was referring to, and how to decode it.
The only problem however is finding a website or book that will finish connecting the dots. I may know HOW to solve it, but I need to find the specifics thereof .
This cache... I shall find in the near future. This I vow .
EDIT: It took me approximately half an hour of searching around online for exactly what I further needed to know... and knowing what terms to look for definitely helps the search . After poking around online, decoding the puzzle, and slapping it into my GPS... I had run out of time before previously made obligations came up. Hence... several hours later, I return home in the mood to cache. The first one in my radar? Why... it's also the closest one to my home
One Kabuthunk and one bicycle later (not that I could imagine several Kabuthunks... my friends have told me the world isn't ready for more than one of me as is ), and I'm heading towards that cache at a moderate speed. I misjudged the location of the cache when I popped them into google maps at home though, since I thought they would be in one general area. Mental note... zoom in on the map next time
. I ended up needing to go about 1.5km's further than anticipated... but that was all fine and good since I had plenty of energy to spare.
Upon arriving at the coordinates, I parked my bike and looked around. The first few places I checked turned out to be dead ends, but out of the corner of my eye I spotted something... not quite right. Investigating closer indeed confirmed that I had at last found the geocache . Cracking it open (followed by twisting it open
), I came to the conclusion that fitting a full-sized chainmail ball in the cache container might be a bit cramped... so a micromail ball got the honours.
Thanks for the awesome, AWESOME puzzle cache. I loved figuring this one out, and I'm pretty sure my brother (who coincidentally worked under Dr. McGowan at the U of M... but I don't think he's there any more) would have loved this geocache, despite not being a geocacher . I had lots of fun figuring it out, and using some of that old knowledge that has been rattling around in my brain unused for so many years
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Hints (Back)
Think genetics.