ANother one of my ceative caches. Placed on a nice walking pathway in the area. Beware of muggles both walking and driving by. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
10/3/2010 by Kabuthunk
Aaahhh... I was able to knock YOU off of my DNF list quite soon after you found your way onto there. But no matter what anyone says (not that I imagine anyone will actually bother saying anything), I'm still under the distinct impression that I would have found this cache had I had more time available to me the first time around. And as an added bonus, none other than Pa_Bottle himself was there to gently nudge me in the right direction! By the way, I still say the coordinates are pointing me a bit off. Although yesterday they were pointing me a lot closer to ground zero, so maybe some electrical activity in the sky due to... I dunno, the wind or something... was throwing off the coordinates today.
In either case, Pa_Bottle needed some adjusting with a chainmail neck chain that I made for him. It was mutually convenient to meet up at Tim Hortons again, where I quickly made the adjustments needed (hopefully I'll have stainless steel clasps by the time we meet again, and I can replace the current one with something... y'know... good ). After a bit of chatting, I mentioned I wouldn't mind heading back to The Pathway cache and see if I could take another stab at it. It was fully dark at this point, but with Pa_Bottle wanting to come along and see me blindly grope for the cache, I figured there was a good chance I could get a hint along the way as needed.
To make things easier, we both hopped into Pa_Bottle's car, and headed over to the coordinates. PB apparently knew of a significantly closer parking spot that I had for myself at the Sobeys parking lot. So with a 10 second walk instead of... well... a helluva lot longer than 10 seconds... I found myself standing at the familiar location of yesterday. Except dark . While waiting for my GPS to get a signal, I grabbed my flashlight and began skimming around. As I said, my coordinates seemed to have been off today as compared to yesterday (where they put me much closer), so I first began my hunt in a completely incorrect location. Pa_Bottle decided to take pity on me, and pointed me away from... well... exactly where I was about to otherwise waste a helluva lot of time. With that tip given, I used my flashlight to work my way around anything else in the area that fit one of the hints he had given me yesterday. After a bit of circling around, I stumbled my way over to what would eventually be the cache's hiding spot. One lucky glance later, and the light from the flashlight just happened to reflect in just the right way to make it apparent where the cache was hidden. WOOH! Interesting location indeed.
However, this was only half the battle. The second half was actually retrieving it. Thankfully, since I have damn near everything except a kitchen sink in my geocaching/survival bag (although with the supplies in there, I could probably repair a kitchen sink or install a new one ), I was able to easily grab something convenient, and use it to obtain the cache after a few tries. If I had spent about an extra 5 seconds on my improvised tool, I could have gotten the cache on the first attempt, but... eh... effort
. The cache now in hand, I held it up victoriously. The wind was making things... interesting, so I had to fanangle things around a bit in order to not lose anything to a sudden gust. After some effort, I managed to sign the logbook, and drop in ye olde micromail ball. After returning the cache to its hiding spot, Pa_Bottle dropped me back off at my car and we headed our separate ways.
It was definitely nice hanging out with you for the past few days. We'll have to find some time to geocache together again... preferably during the daytime though. Let me know once you set yourself up with those snowshoes... we can go after those caches in the Scout camp near LaBarrier Park in winter or something... sometime when the snow is nice and deep to make for some fun snowshoeing .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
10/2/2010 by Kabuthunk
This one was painful to have to pull a DNF on. Although, I'm honestly not sure whether the fault of this DNF could be attributed to myself, my wife, or the extensive construction immediately nearby. Only when I eventually locate this one will I be able to tell for certain.
I started out the day in a wonderfully lazy way, which eventually turned towards geocaching. And actually, I spent a fair amount of time with Pa_Bottle himself prior to heading over to this cache. He had wanted a chainmail neck chain for a bit, of which after procrastinating and forgetting about it for a while, I was able to produce. Today happened to work out fairly well for the two of us to meet up at the Tim Hortons a few blocks South of this cache to give it to him. By the way... if any rings come loose (unlikely... haven't tightened the ones on my wrist at any point in 5 years), or if the chain snags or is pulled on by a child (significantly more likely) and manages to unhook one ring from another (it may be titanium, but it's not like the rings are welded closed ), give me a shout... I can fix it in like... 30 seconds! Anyway, after chatting it up with him at Tims, he had brought up several of his geocaches in the area. One that sounded specifically intriguing, quite possibly due to the name alone, was The Pathway. I like paths... I like geocaching... sounds like a match made in heaven
So after we went our separate ways, I booked it over towards this cache. Parking at that strip mall a bit North, I hoofed it over to the coordinates and began to hunt. Pa_Bottle had given me a few hints about this cache, so I at least had a remotely vague idea of how to look for it. So I did just that, and began hunting in just that manner, seeking to find... well... anything. I did this for all of maybe... 10 minutes, no longer. A few of those minutes were spent searching outside of this method, just in case it had been moved or something.
JUST as I was pulling out my palm pilot to read the description and last few logs, I get a call from my wife. She was with her mom and sister, looking at houses for the... whatever the open house thing is that's happening all over the city today. She tells me I've just *got* to see a house. I tell her that I'm not particularly near my car, and am currently geocaching. No, no, it's so great I simply MUST see it.
Well, knowing that there's no way in a thousand years we'll be able to afford any show-home she might be looking at, I was a bit perturbed at having to cancel my search so early into it. But alas... thus is one of the many concessions of married life. I spent a last minute or so scrambling to find anything while waiting for her to text the directions (instead of starting to walk to the car... I figured I might get blind, stupid lucky in those last 60 seconds ). Unfortunately, I had to book it back to the car with a DNF hanging over my head.
Personally, albeit the house when I eventually got there was nice enough, I'd have far rather been geocaching than looking at it . In fact, I was generally kept busy after that point, and didn't get to geocache at all for the rest of the day
So... whether it was the lack of time, my cut-short option to read the description and past logs (although since I only get the last 4 logs in cachemate, I'd have needed to go further back for some useful tips... mentally noted at this point though), or if it was part of the construction immediately beside/at ground zero, I will have to find out another time.
I shall return Pa_Bottle... I shall return.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)