Congrats to BmhKah on the FTF |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/24/2010 by Kabuthunk
And so the Conquista's have returned. Intriguing development...
I actually wasn't entirely expecting to be able to do any geocaching today. There were so many factors AGAINST me going geocaching today, that by all rights on any other occasion the number of setbacks would have guaranteed the non-caching outcome. Today however... not only did I not NOT find any geocaches, but I didn't not find FIVE geocaches today! This may seem like quite a small number to many... nay, even most... but for me, getting 5 in a day is actually a fairly unusual occurrence. The day started out alright... sleeping in a bit, nothing in particular planned... supposed to rain... but thought I might geocache if I had a chance. Then at 11:00am, I got a phone call from my in-laws asking if I could help with some yardwork.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't particularly mind the yardwork. Didn't have anything planned for the long weekend to begin with, so sure, what the hell... let's see how much I can accomplish there before the rain sets in. Feeling somewhat energetic though, I decided to bike over. It's about 6 or 7 kilometers away, so not that bad, but not a short, 2-minute jaunt. So one bike trip later, and I'm helping shovel sand for about 4 hours. Needless to say, I'm BEAT by the end of it. However, having sat and relaxed for a few minutes after all was said and done, I actually TURNED DOWN their offer to drive me and my bike back to the apartment in their truck, and decided to go by way of bike. The bit of rain in the middle of the day had ended, and I figured... eh, it's the last day of the long weekend... let's get as much biking in as I can.
On the way out, I turn on my GPS, figuring I might be able to snag a cache or two, if I had the extra energy by the time I got close. This Conquista cache was the closest, so I booked it over. It wasn't out of the way at all, since it's basically right close to the sidewalk I was biking on (it's Winnipeg, like hell I'm biking on the road! I swear, some of the worst drivers I've ever encountered are in Winnipeg). As I pulled up, I thought... huh... this is strangely familiar. Having found this cache in the previous series, I had a hunch it'd be hidden in the same place. Hopping off my bike, bingo-bango, about 5 seconds later I had the cache in hand . I'm a bit worried about it's method of staying in place however... I get the feeling that might have some rust-related issues over time and fall out of its place.
So indeed, my memory served me well. Y'know, whenever my wife and I drove past towards her parents' house, I'd always point here and say "there's a geocache!", like I'm sure many a geocacher does, likely annoying the non-cachers their with as well . I was completely unaware that this cache had been gone since January (or possibly March, I'm not sure after looking at the other cache page). One way or the other, I'm glad I'll be able to continue to annoy my wife by accurately shouting that there is indeed a geocache here when we pass by again
And so, with a slight drizzle at my back informing me of the impending rain (didn't even rain for another few hours anyway, but at the time I figured maybe 15, 20 minutes tops), I headed onwards. Thanks man!
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)