This is a traveling cache. When found please take it with you. Hide it in a new location and post the new coordinates. Bernie has made several great journeys across Canada and seen all the provinces, and met many interesting people. Bernie is now ready to make his third trip to Atlantic Canada again and wish people to take him along on their journeys. In the end, he would like to find his way back to his homestead in the interior of British Columbia.Bernie loves to see the rural area of Canada, so keep him out of the towns. The container is a medium sized dark green/brown Ammo box. As this is a traveling cache, Bernie would also like to show people where he has been, so if you have a spare postcard to leave with Bernie, please do so. Photographs posted on the cache page is also great, so others can share in his journeys. It was first cached by the continental divide at the Banff and Kootenay Park boundary at an altitude of 1657m. This cache is in memory of my beloved dog Bernie who loved to travel. He passed away April 4th 2003 with his best dog friend Teeka. May they rest in peace. Check the log before heading out to find Bernie as he might have already have been picked-up and is in transit to a new location. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
1/30/2009 by Kabuthunk
N49° 53.216 W97° 07.814
Woah, THIS cache is going to throw my cache-to-cache distance off for a little bit. Well, the distance will be diluted by the fact that I've technically never found a cache outside of Manitoba yet... of which this travelling cache will ALSO be throwing off . Well, not that it matters much, since I'll be heading out West this summer to find geocaches in various new provinces
. I guess technically if the coordinates are changed to this location, I MIGHT consider deleting this log and re-logging it... but that would require both me remembering, AND wanting to take the effort for virtually no change in anything anywhere. Both are unlikely
At first I didn't even realize that this was a 'geocache'. I just figured it was another travelbug like the 'Party Animal', which is basically a big logbook that travels to events. Only afterwards someone told me (I think it was ertyu) that it was actually a travelling geocache, grandfathered in from back when this type was allowed! Glad to have been able to come across it, since I'm pretty sure that (since this cache type is no longer creatable) I will likely never run across another travelling geocache. Well, you never know of course, but the likelyhood is pretty low.
And MAN but there's a lot of logs written in the logbook. Unfortunately, since it was being passed around an event cache, I didn't have time to read most of it. I left my name and a few sentences, and let others do the same. A good few logs were entered into this fella today . At the bare minimum, this cache had a good time today
. It got to observe (well, as much as inanimate objects can observe) drinking, partying, and lots of origami figures being tossed about (don't worry... not made out of the logbook's pages
). I actually was almost unable to log it though. When I wrote down the waypoint, I mis-wrote a number that ended up being for some cache out in Australia! Now, given it's a travelling cache, I figured there's a vague possibility that it was the one, but I recalled it involving the name 'Bernie'. Hence... off to look at the previous finds of other cachers at the event, and BINGO! One number off, I was! And so, here I am
. Although I imagine this will be logged another few times around here. I'm also a little curious as to where it'll be hidden next... and if it ends up being in Australia, that'll just weird me out
But yeah... an entertaining evening had by many friends... and several smileys obtained in the process! The event itself and this one were almost simultaneous (although the cache itself wasn't pulled out until about an hour after I got there), followed by a nearby cache for myself and several others (followed by me taking Sean and Widget out to yet another).
And one thing is for certain... for this time of year, this is by far the warmest cache that isn't an event (in itself) that I've found this winter ! And for a special cache such as this unique, rare type, I couldn't let just ANY chainmail ball signature item be dropped. Thus, I decided to pull out a limited edition Macro-Micromail ball! Of course, with this many people, said chainmail ball was claimed by Sean and Widget. But then, I was telling them to take it with them, since I like to see them being taken and enjoyed by people instead of sitting in a box, and since they collect my balls
. But... it's in the cache in spirit.
So yeah, thanks for the entertaining cache. It was like a double-event... sorta !
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and limited edition Macro-Micromail ball (technically removed moments later)
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)