Snooze, You Lose A Flash Mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, and then quickly disperse. DATE : Saturday, November 10, 2007 TIME: 11:00 AM to 11:15 AM (only 15 minutes!) WHERE: Forks Market - middle of skating rink. This Flash Mob Gathering of Geocachers will be only 15 minutes long. You MUST be present and sign the log sheet DURING this time to claim this event. After 15 minutes…we're gone! This event will last exactly 15 minutes, not one second longer! This event will be one small part of the WWFM (world-wide flash mob event). This event (and all others around the globe in their respective time zone) will begin precisely at 11:00AM on Saturday, November 10th. At exactly 11:00 AM (as determined by your GPS clock) a bucket for log sheets will be placed near the coordinates. As you arrive, you’ll be handed a "log sheet." Participants will sign the log sheets (which will later become the log book). To qualify for attendance, drop them in the designated bucket. Bring your own pen – in fact, why not bring your own slip of paper with only your trail name written on it, legibly enough for others to decipher. Names will be drawn from the bucket of log sheets for the FTF prize. At a designated time, we will take a group photo. At exactly 11:15AM, the log sheets will be packed up and sealed away. The event area will be evacuated without a trace. Only those participants whose names appear on the log sheets may log THIS event. ITINERARY: 10:45 - 10:59 AM - Participants: Wait patiently in your vehicles or stroll around the area. STAY AWAY from ground zero until the signal is given. As much as you can, act like a muggle, pretend not to know each other or give any indication that something is about to happen. At 10:59AM we will reach ground zero with the bucket. This is the signal for the Flash Mob Event to begin. Everyone now makes their way to GZ. 11:00 AM - Log sheets will be handed out for those who did not bring their own. Bring your own writing instrument. Sign individual log sheets and drop them in the collection box. Mingle. Trade travel bugs and coins. Share stories. Brag. Take pictures. Make arrangements to meet elsewhere, or to find the various caches in the nearby area. 11:11 AM - FTF Prize draw 11:13 AM - Assemble for a group photo, and assemble FAST. Listen to the photographer for directions. Group photo is taken. 11:14 AM - One minute warning is called "It is now 11:14!" Prepare to leave. 11:15 AM EXACTLY - Wait for it ... then LEAVE the area (right at 11:15 AM)! Meet elsewhere if desired. The log sheet bucket will be packed up. If you don't get to it in time you can't log the event. If everything goes right we will have lots of people coming out of nowhere and gathering for 15 minutes, holding a geocaching event and then disappearing…This could be lots of fun and maybe even raise a few muggle eyebrows! * Credit is given to other WWFM web pages and especially to GizFinder (GC16DEN) from whose description I've gratefully borrowed due to time limitations with posting this event cache. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
11/10/2007 by Kabuthunk
WOOH! I WAS ABLE TO MAKE IT ! Seriously, I'm that excited that I was able to make this event. I'm annoyingly enough on-call this weekend (and all of last week for that matter) for work, so I was just praying, PRAYING that some idiotic crisis didn't come up when I was trying to leave that would prevent me from making the mob. Actually, the phone DID ring twice. The first time while driving there, but someone had just tried to fax our phone number. The second about 5 minutes from home after everyone left (and they didn't even leave a voicemail, so no callback regardless)... so it worked out well
But enough about that... to the mob! MAN, that was arguably one of the most awesome gatherings I've ever seen. I was standing around, looking at stuff at the Forks... recognized several geocachers kicking around. I think I saw all of like... 5 or 6 before the event started. Suddenly, the bucket is put in place, and I swear... half of the forks must have suddenly swarmed to it (come to think of it... I prefer the sound of "geoswarm" as opposed to "mob cache"... but that's just me ). It looked amazing. The tent area was completely empty... and then this mass of people from every conceivable direction (I swear, I think people were even coming from the direction of the walking-bridge to the south-east, where there's no shelter). Within moments, the place was PACKED. Like seriously... I expected MAYBE about 1/4 that number of people to be there. Someone (or possibly several people, I don't know) was apparently from Ontario! I mean, this was a MASSIVE turnout in my eyes
Not only that, but I finally, FINALLY got to meet *butterfly* and her... what... do you call the children caterpillars, or wha? Man... if for some reason I ever have a kid, I'm SO going to nickname it caterpillar. That just sounds cool . Maybe I'll just nickname some other person's kid that
. In either case... finally got to meet her in person, and she won the FTF prize to boot! We've gotta meet again at another event... couldn't talk much at a Geoswarm (that's right... I likes the phrase, so I'm stickin' with it
). Although I did notice that she had a set of my chainmail balls hanging from her purse. Gotta keep a pair of my balls in fondling-reach, eh?
But yeah, got to chat with her for a bit (emphasis on a bit... the entire thing was only 15 minutes long), and visit with several others. Many a picture was taken (although my own camera had dead batteries *shakes fist*, so I'll be showing people whatever gets posted on this event page). As time ran down, the time warnings were called out, and at exactly (and I mean EXACTLY) 11:15, the party broke up instantly, and everyone scattered, again... in all directions (did people like... park on the other side of that walking bridge or something?) possible. Heading back to the car (was nervous about work-stuff calling... stupid on-call), I looked back and saw that the tent area was once again dead-empty. Man, we must have weirded the hell out of the non-geocachers at the forks. At first there was nothing... and then a giant pack of people... and then there was nothing again. GO MOB! WOOOOOH !
I also gave the 'Unite for Diabetes' TB to... Junglehair I think? Can't 100% remember for some reason (lotsa people, short amount of time, let's blame it on that)... but whoever logs it as taking it from me ... to take to Texas. It's heading for Spain... but it's been in Canada for like... ever, so hopefully this should at least get moving to new areas.
But man that was fun. More Geoswarms have GOT to be done in the future. Hell, if I had thought of it a while ago, I probably would have planned one myself .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry with chainmail ball attached.
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