Welcome to the St. Clements Historic Geocache Tour! All of our sites on our tour are located in areas of historical significance. Each location contains a cache with historic geocache cards. These collector cards contain historic information about each site. We hope that you will take a card from each site, attempting to collect one card from every site on our tour. This cache is located in Poplar Park, near Libau, Manitoba. Travel along 59 highway and turn west to a place of religious significance. Geocache safely and enjoy! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/19/2011 by Kabuthunk
I always love going after caches that are further out in the country. For some reason, the caches that are simply not found nearly as often are more enjoyable and memorable to me. Could be because I grew up in the country (not here... South of Winnipeg), but in either case, gotta love the country caches .
So since my wife and I happened to do any father's-day related activities on Saturday, we had today off to do whatever we wanted. Thus, we opted for heading out to Grand Beach for the day. After booking it out to Grand Beach and back, I decided that on the way back from the beach I'd tackle several caches, this being the first.
Setting my GPS to this one, we continued on our merry way. I was so relaxed from the drive in general (and somewhat tired from the activity on the beach) that I almost missed the turn to head here. Thank you GPS for happily beeping at me once we got nearby. Heading down the road, I was a bit worried about bystanders making things difficult to find. There looked to be vehicles parked at the church, so I was a bit worried that some kind of service was going on. In retrospect, now that I think about it there probably WAS some kind of something happening, since it was Sunday and all. Oh well, didn't see a single person there anyway. One vehicle was a truck hauling logs of some sort, and the other was just... there. And neither of them were positioned anywhere remotely close to the church itself... I had mis-gauged distances (as I often do in general), and they were parked a lot closer to the main highway.
Parking the car on a tiny patch of gravel towards the end of the church lot, I hopped out while my wife opted to stay in the car (as I had figured she would... she's not into geocaching, but at least doesn't often complain when I want to detour to go after one). I walked over towards the coodinates, which seemed to place me somewhat between the tree and a small shed-type building. Strange, thought I. Before searching, I did a quick walk around the church lot to look at things in general. Looks like this church has been here quite some time. Not wanting to draw too much attention to myself, I set off to the task at hand. I did a quick search of the area in general, checking the spruce tree or anywhere else obvious... nothing. And then I decided to expand my search a little bit more.
The thought had hardly left my mind when my eyes crossed over to what I just KNEW had to be the geocache. Placed by the RM of St. Clements, I had an idea of what to look for, and this fit the bill entirely. The moment I walked over, my suspicions were confirmed . Quickly opening the cache, I grabbed a postcard for the interesting info these always have, and dropped in a signature chainmail ball. Another cache, solved. After replacing the cache, a quick glance around confirmed that nobody had emerged from anywhere (that I saw, anyway), and I was in the clear. Heading back to the car, I read parts of the postcard to my wife before driving off. The price they paid for the land way back when? I'm sure that even translated to current money, that's still ludicrously cheap! I wouldn't mind hooking myself up with some land for that price
With the cache out of the way, off we drove to the next one. But I always love going after the ones placed by the RM of St. Clement... they always bring you to an interesting spot, always have information about said spot there, and are well made and built to last. So many levels of win, how can one resist going after any of them . Time and energy however precludes my urge to wander after the other RM caches indicated on the pamphlet. Another time, another time. It's not rare for me to be heading North for one reason or another... especially if near Grand Beach or Lockport
Took: Information postcard and cache list pamphlet
Left: Logbook entry (accidentally dated for 16th... forgot the date ) and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)