Welcome to the St. Clements Historic Geocache Tour! All of our sites on our tour are located in areas of historical significance. Each location contains a cache with historic geocache cards. These collector cards contain historic information about each site. We hope that you will take a card from each site, attempting to collect one card from every site on our tour. This cache is located in Grand Marais, Manitoba. Travel to the corner of Sunset and Grey Avenue. Look for a place of religious significance. Geocache safely and enjoy! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/10/2010 by Kabuthunk
I'm mildly surprised I even had the energy to go after this cache today. I had just finished a journey of epic proportions with the nearby Ghost Beach cache, so needless to say, my legs were already quite tired. Couple this with the fact that my wife had opted to stay on the beach while I went off geocaching (probably for the best, given the journey mentioned above) and wanted me back soon, so I was jogging a fair amount of the time.
However, given I had planned prior to my massive hike that I would tackle this cache, I still decided to swing by for it. It was the last cache in this side of town that I hadn't found, so I wanted to clear that off my plate before leaving if possible. Thus... to the cache! After coming off the peninsula/spit, I hooked down the first road I could turn into, and hiked over towards the church. Gotta say... a few things caught me by surprise.
First was that the cache was actually ON the church property (although given this was placed by the St. Clements Heritage Advisory Committee, I'll safely assume that it's cool), and the second was how old a lot of the tombstones looked. It very much reminded me of the cemetery out by where my Grandma used to live, that had stones dating to the early 1900's. It even had a few grave markers that were nothing more than wooden crosses, just like at my Grandma's. Heck, even down to the fence gate to the church, I think that must have been almost identical. So yeah, it brought back a lot of nostalgic memories for me. I'd have liked to have wandered around and looked at the various tombstones, but my legs were already crying at me to stop, and my wife wanted me back at the beach on top of that. Perhaps the next time I head out to that peninsula/spit, I might take an extra stop by here to look around some more. Also, I'd love to pick up one of those information cards that were in the cache. Given I had unfortunately not read the cache description prior to coming here, I thought they were some kind of tradeable swag, and so I had opted not to try to dig around to locate some swag to trade for it . Next time... next time.
In either case, I circled around the church a little bit, attempting to zero in on the coordinates. Thankfully nobody else was here, so I didn't have to worry about looking conspicuous. As an added bonus, by the time I found my way to ground zero, it was located such that I was completely invisible to the general public . With nothing but privacy and a swarm of mosquitoes to keep me company, I opened the cache and signed the logbook. One chainmail ball later, and I replaced the cache as found. With the mosquitoes urging me to hurry up, I quickly slipped it back into its hiding spot, and re-camouflaged it as I had found it. All in all, it was an extremely successful day which ended with a good bit of nostalgia
Thanks for placing the cache in here... it's safe to assume I would have never known of its existence if it hadn't been for this cache. And assuming I remember, next time I'm heading out thisaway, I think I'll make another stop here to look around a bit more. Preferably with my legs feeling a lot less sore .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)