This is our typical ammo cache. It is located on a deer trail, in the winter it becomes a snowmobile trail. Please tread lighty and trade fairly! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/16/2010 by Kabuthunk
This cache put up a bit of a fight for me. At first, since I was coming back from having found the 'Bird's Hill Ant Hill' cache off to the East, I ended up mis-judging my distances and wound up on the paved highway to the West of this cache. Not knowing much better, I followed the paved road up a bit until I found a thin path that might have been made by an animal at some point, leading me to the East again. Taking this path, I started out by walking with my bike, which quickly devolved into me hoisting it over my shoulder and attempting to get through the bushes. Said bushes were not fond of allowing me access through them .
Although, I strangely located a tree that had some... cloth of some sort wrapped around it, completely in the middle of nowhere, not close to any discernible path. But eventually, I managed to get myself and my bike onto the gravel road that runs somewhat parallel to the paved one (at least for a bit). Of course, this is the gravel road that I traveled DOWN to get to the paved road, so the past 15 someodd minutes were a complete waste of my energy, hefting that bike around . Continuing along the gravel road for a bit, I eventually found a path that might sorta, kinda be an animal trail. It was about as questionable as the first path that I had taken earlier. However, at least this time I was supposed to be about 30 meters from the cache. Taking my bike about 5 or so meters in, I left it lying against a small tree and headed out on foot. Since lady luck hates my guts, I was naturally nowhere close to the right path, and this one petered out into nothing. I worked my way carefully through the slightly more open areas in the bushes, and eventually found what I imagine is the deer trail. For the record, at this particular time of year it's questionable whether it even still exists as a trail
Following that BACK towards the gravel road a bit, I eventually stumbled across the cache container! YAY! No more bushwhacking for me (unless you count my trek out in a few minutes). Opening up the cache container, I discovered a rather largish travelbug that looked pretty interesting. Some sea-turtle like thing, which I took with me to venture onwards. Looks like he's been here almost a month, so it's coming back to the city. It's goal is to head to the USA again, so it's at least a step in the right direction.
But I digress. After signing the logbook, I started to head away from the cache, only to remember that I hadn't yet dropped in my signature chainmail ball yet. A quick backtracking for a few meters, and I corrected this error. Ahh... now to take the deer trail(?) back to the main trail, and use that to locate my bike. As it turns out, the path that I attempted to follow was about 20 meters South of where I exited the bushes. Eh, at least I was still in the general vicinity, and not trying to tackle it from the opposite side or something. Then again, with my luck there was another wide path half the distance if I went the other way .
So thanks for the cache. I always love the ones that are deep in the forests, making it rather interesting to get to. And this one didn't fail to make it an interesting adventure .
Took: Akumal Paul travelbug
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)