Initially, the cache container was one created by my dad. It was damaged, so has now been replaced with a new container. Cachers with some experience, have probably come across this type of container before. Newbies may find this one a bit more difficult. Congrats to BBrown94 on being the FTF! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/26/2009 by Kabuthunk
I think I noticed this cache's existence sometime shortly after it was placed. However, due to my infrequent travel to the U of M area (compounded by the fact that I have previously found virtually all caches at the U of M itself, or King's Park), this cache remained unfound my myself for quite some time.
Until now *dun dun DUUUUUUUN*
It was a beautiful day out. Ideally, my goal was going to be to go to the beach or something today, but alas... a relative got married yesterday, and threw a dinner/lunch gathering today, which covered most of the day as a whole. *sigh*... why must it always be on the weekends worth going out.
But anyway, I was stuck at said dinner/lunch gathering until somewhere in the neighbourhood of 7:00pm. My wife and I left, and didn't quite feel like going home yet... mainly because it felt like we hadn't really done anything today. We woke up, got dressed, went to the in-laws place... and that covers one of the most gorgeous weekend days this year . So... Laura was actually willing to head for a geocache or two! Seeing as the dinner thing was just off Waverly, south of Bishop Grandin, I figured we'd take a quick spin around the U of M, and see what's changed there (not all that much since MY last tour around there, but quite a bit apparently since Laura's been by). After a quick drive-around, we made a minor detour over to this cache.
The GPS had us zig-zagging through the streets until we eventually came across the closest road. At first, I was debating whether to go after it. If it was in the middle of say... a school's field or something, I'd have passed on it, not being in the mood to be conspicuous. However, seeing as it was fairly secluded for the most part, and nothing was taking place on the nearby fields, I'd give it a whirl. I was a bit leery at first, due to the Micro size and the seemingly foresty type setting. However, dive in I did. A quick parking on the street later, and I hopped out of the car in search of the cache. One trail through the trees later, and I found myself at ground zero. And boy, did it look like there was a million possible places for it to hide. Aaaand the mosquitoes were out, too. Lots . Looks like I have to cross my fingers, and hope I can do this quickly. I popped open my palm pilot to check the cache description, which gave me the useful tip on opening the container for later
. With that information in mind, I began the hunt.
At first I almost blindly looked around, kinda overwhelmed by the amount of hiding potential, but a few steps later, and I spotted what I figured must be the cache. Looking a bit closer, I was indeed correct . Following the aforementioned instructions, I quickly accessed the cache container, and dropped in a micromail ball. REALLY nice cache container, I must admit. Although, without reading the cache description, I can imagine others may have some issues with getting the container open, as it somewhat confused me as well, even having read the instructions
. But yeah... nice work on the container
After a quick, mosquito-infested signing, I quickly put everything together again and replaced the cache as found. Getting out of blood-sucker territory, I made my way back to my wife, and a nice, air-conditioned car .
Thanks for giving me another reason to head out to the U of M area. We went for a quick walk at King's Park after the cache, but the newish waterfall type thing near the parking lot was turned off . But nonetheless... thanks again
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)