The Ode to Ramblin' Rose The Ramblin' Rose is a thorn in the flesh Its bound to be a cachers test When the roses wither and fall to the ground The leaves just shrivel and turn deep brown The trees above grow full and lush The hollow one will turn to mush The Ramblin' Rose will still remain and you'll not have searched in vain ...
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/28/2007 by Kabuthunk
This cache was awesome on multiple levels today. To start with, I biked out here to generally tackle the remainder of the caches in Kings Park. This one appeared to be on the veeeery edge, so I decided to start with it. It turned out to be a good start .
So I get to the cache, and see that it's a nice, dense, forest cache. Ahh, my favourite, I think. Then I see the massive, giant pile of trees. Ooooooohh... nuts, I'm thinking to myself. Is this going to be another needle in a haystack? Quickly looking at my GPS, it tells me that it's not a micro. Ok... that immediately picks up my spirits .
At which point... I must have climbed, poked, prodded, and lifted everything I was able to scouring around for that thing for about 10 minutes.
And then it started to rain. Hard.
Pausing for a moment, I wait and listen to the rain falling for a moment, trying to determine what direction it's coming from. At which point I realize... the area is SO dense, the water's not even hitting the ground! W00T FOR DRYNESS . I crouched under an extra-dense area for the raining time. After about 20 seconds, JUST as the rain was starting to work it's way down to ground level, it stopped again.
During those 20 seconds however... I pulled out my palm pilot and read the cache description. Doh . That last 10 minutes? Yeah, completely in vain
. Taking an entirely new approach to hunting for the cache, I come across the correct location. SUCCESS! Mental note... read cache description before attempting cache if possible
Thanks for the awesome forest cache. Definitely a fun, rain-keeping-off-of-me time .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, Experience Minnesota geocoin, and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)