This cache contains a log book, pencil, and some trade items. Please replace carefully so that it remains in its proper place. Also, please exercise care and caution exiting and re-entering the nearby highway. Do not be distracted!
Congratulations to The Pirates of The Prairies on being the First to Find this cache. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
Current at 11/6/2011
5/1/2010 by Kabuthunk
The second, and last cache of the day for me. My wife and I had just spent most of the afternoon out in Winkler attending my sister's nursing graduation ceremony. After having managed to make a find at the cache 'Twisters', we headed back in the direction of Winnipeg. Thankfully however, due to my having grabbed a 'cache along a route' type pocket query before leaving, I figured we might be able to hit up another cache or so along the way. It seems as though this cache is about the only thing between Carman and Winkler (that's close to the road anyway... I think I only gave it 600 meter range on either side of the road). Thus, while driving down the road, I occasionally glanced at my GPS, and eventually noticed this one coming up.
By the way... is it maybe a Winkler thing, or maybe it's my imagination... but it seems that a lot of caches out around here all have one-word names. Twisters, Clubs, Boots, Tires, Post, etc, etc. I dunno... probably my imagination.
But back on topic, heading from Winkler to Winnipeg, and noticed this cache. There was still plenty of daylight left, we had nothing in particular planned, and it was a gorgeous day out for some geocaching. Despite the rain earlier, the day had definitely perked up, and it was not too hot, not too cold, not too... well... anything. Just a nice day
So I swung off the highway onto the gravel road. Gotta say... as far as gravel roads go, I think this may have been one of the most... curved, for lack of a better description... roads I've been on. No worry about water pooling on the road. On either side, it seems to slant down towards the ditch pretty steep. So not wanting to stop in the middle of said road, I parked on the aforementioned slant and hopped out. There wasn't much traffic going by at this time of day, so I think all of maybe 3 cars went by in the entire time I was out here. Not that I'd expect them to have been trying to pay attention to me, instead of say... the road
. Given I had found caches on similar type places in the past, I figured I would hunt for that specific type of hide. Sure enough, after about a minute of searching, my prediction paid off and I had the cache in hand
I showed my wife, whom I don't think has seen this type of container in the past. After a quick poking around inside, I tossed in a signature chainmail ball and signed the logbook. Gotta say, for being out in the middle of nowhere, it gets a fair amount of traffic. Then again, with a golf course assumingly nearby, that probably also helps it out a bit. Well... that and being on a major road between two cities (not even sure if Carman is considered a City yet... but Winnipeg at the bare minimum. Pretty sure Winkler is a city... it's got a Walmart, so that's gotta say something). So I signed the logbook and closed up the cache again (that must have taken forever to build... good job on it by the way
). Replacing it back in it's spot, I headed back to the car and headed onwards. Mission accomplished!
Thanks for getting a cache out along the road for people like myself looking for a break in the middle of a long drive. Came at about the perfect time, on a day when it was perfect to get out and stretch the legs. Not that the 30 minute drive really required leg-stretching as of yet... but hey, I'm not exactly going to turn it down, either
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)