The cache is in a small magnetic key container. It contains only a log book and a pencil. The cache had to be moved slightly from it's original location as some birds decided they wanted the spot for a nest. |
10/5/2008 by Kabuthunk
Unfortunately the only cache I was able to go after today. On the plus side, this cache kept alive the current streak of consecutive days finding a cache... currently at 15. I was a bit worried about that actually... had I not been able to find this cache, and given the time we got home, said streak would have had to end at 14. And seriously, the number 14 has nothing going for it... the best it's got is that it's the 3rd discrete biprime. If my streak's going to be broken, I'd rather it be on a number with more going for it than that .
So I was spending the afternoon with relatives which were gathering in Carman. A little bit before everyone started to head over, Myself, my two nieces, and my brother in law all headed out to go after this cache. We actually thought this was the only active cache available in Carman, but it looks like 'The Redneck' reactivated some of his since my last Pocket Query went through... but hey, there's some left in town for next time or something .
Since my brother in law lives only a few blocks away, we decided to walk over. Although the weather was slowly starting to go downhill (just really windy at this point), it was still fairly warm. Jacket-weather... but warm enough. A scant few minutes later, and we arrived at the coordinates.
Not having read the cache description (I should consider making a habit to read things before going after them ), my GPS decided to point me to a nearby tree. Unfortunately, said tree contained a pile of places where a micro cache could possibly hide. All of the troupe worked their way in and around the tree, hunting for the cache to no avail. While the others started to expand outwards, I pulled out my good old palm pilot to check the cache description (cachemate... it's saved me countless times. Strangey quite a bit recently. Maybe I'm losing my touch
). The cache description didn't end up helping us all that much but the hint... ahh, the hint. Quite useful indeed
After an initial dead end, my brother in law ended up making the find . Since the cache was a micro my nieces weren't able to trade for anything, but they got over that pretty quick. They're still young and cache mostly for the swag, but at least don't mind the occasional swagless one. However, one micromail ball should at least make for one grabbable for the next parent who's kid like the swag
Pretty clever hide though. Not sure how well it'll stay there in a strong wind though. Otherwise, thanks for having hidden a cache around these parts. There needs to be more caches in Carman in general, and there's many a park, foresty area, or otherwise cachable location still kicking around.
But mainly thanks for having this cache available, since we thought it was the only one around at the time. Every time I come out to Carman, my nieces are all over me to go geocaching in town... and I'm quite glad there was still something here that we could go after .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
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Rain Rain Go Away